We ran so many articles in 2022. December saw wetlands with @RaveninghamG@twitter.com, #WorldSoilDay
from @Soil_Science@twitter.com, employers perspective @PeakEcology@twitter.com, @Gameandwildlife@twitter.com & hedgerow
management at the @AllertonProject@twitter.com. Read at https://www.countryside-jobs.com/in-depth/month-recap
RT @HiLSS_Project@twitter.com
The conservation of historic terraced rural landscapes is crucial to reduce both the amount and velocity of water moving across the soil surface, which greatly reduces soil erosion.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HiLSS_Project/status/1599665594022100994
RT @WFP@twitter.com
Soil is where our food begins. To achieve #ZeroHunger, we must work together to:
🤝Foster it
🌱Nurture it
🔄Restore it
RT @WFPYemen@twitter.com
Khaled's farm is green again! 🌾
The conflict & the #ClimateCrisis has unable Khaled to reclaim vast areas of his farm which affected his source of income & livelihood.
@WFP@twitter.com has helped #farmers like Khaled to plant their agricultural land with more #vegetables.
#climatecrisis #farmers #vegetables #worldsoilday
RT @Kate_Bradbury@twitter.com
On #WorldSoilDay here’s one of the best ways to look after the soil - leave leaves! Soils are ecosystems - earthworms and other soil fauna inverts eat them, channeling nutrients back to plants. Intact soil ecosystems have more fauna, so more nutrients, and hold more carbon too 🌍
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Kate_Bradbury/status/1599823937973518336
In honor of #worldsoilday!
In honor of #worldsoilday!
Soil = SUPERPOWERS 🦸♂️🦸♀️
We might curse when our favourite pair of trousers get splashed with mud, but without our fertile soils we wouldn't be able to survive.
Ich pflege den Boden in meinem Garten, indem ich ihn möglichst nicht umgrabe, Gründung und Mulch verwende und weder Gifte noch mineralische Dünger verwende.
Mein Boden ist inzwischen sehr lebendig.
Allerdings habe ich auch teils recht viel Unkraut und Schnecken.
RT @FAOForestry@twitter.com
Did you know?
Most forest carbon is found in the living biomass (44 percent) and soil organic matter (45 percent), with the remainder in dead wood and litter.
#WorldSoilDay #ClimateAction #FRA2020
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/FAOForestry/status/1599690338452520961
#worldsoilday #ClimateAction #fra2020
RT @Thuenen_aktuell
Angewandte Forschung im #StaatsbetriebSachsenforst: Methan, Lachgas, CO2-Emissionen aus dem Eisenstraßenmoor werden bodennah gemessen. 1 von 50 Messpunkten im Wald für das Moorboden-Monitoring von @ThunenW u. @ZALF_leibniz. #worldSoilDay #MoMoK 👉http://www.thuenen.de/moorbodenmonitoring
#staatsbetriebsachsenforst #worldsoilday #momok
Happy #WorldSoilDay! That stuff we take for granted or scrape off our wellies is capable of great things - one handful of soil can contain thousands of living things 🌱
#GraphicNovel #Comics #ComicArt #Gardening #Garden #Artist #Writer
#worldsoilday #graphicnovel #comics #comicart #gardening #garden #artist #writer
Soil is cool af. It's filled with undiscovered organisms. We're completely dependent on it for food. It's an enormous carbon sink we can manipulate through management -- and it's currently storing 2500 gigatons of carbon.
Bad news: we're degrading soil at a dangerous rate. If you care about food justice or the climate, you should care a lot about soil!
#Soil #sustainability #ecology #agroecology #agriculture #climate #WorldSoilDay
#soil #sustainability #ecology #agroecology #agriculture #climate #worldsoilday
RT @ykuzyakov
For the World Soil Day:
Nicely presented mechanisms of some soil functions.
#worldsoilday https://twitter.com/HMicrobiome/status/1599704039695843329
We missed the fact that yesterday was World Soil Day, so we pay our belated homage to the treasure beneath our feet.
#WorldSoilDay #soil #horticulture #agriculture #organic #RegenerativeAgriculture
#worldsoilday #soil #horticulture #agriculture #organic #regenerativeagriculture
@kateford Plant your pants is a great idea the campaign should catch on. https://www.countrytrust.org.uk/plantyourpants
Country Trusts do great work, thanks for the uplifting blog, that was a good read.#WorldSoilDay2022 #WorldSoilDay #Soil #SoilHealth #PlantYourPants
#worldsoilday2022 #worldsoilday #soil #soilhealth #plantyourpants
#worldsoilday otro gran maestro de la vida, aquí explicando el origen del suelo desde sus inicios. Desmontando el antropocentrismo que es ignorancia pura, un arma que apuntamos a nuestra cara.