I put this image on X/Twitter to convince my remaining followers there to try federated socials.
84 years a #MomAndPop #FamilyOwned #IndependentBusiness, a #LowKey #DaytonOhio icon, the #WorldsOldestComicShop, in the same #BrickAndMortar location since #1939, and...
After 14 years on the bird site, 6,200+ posts, 1,500+ followers, only 3 likes and zero shares.
Only 4 months on mastodonbooks.net, under 400 posts, less than 200 followers, same post has 12 likes & 11 shares.
#momandpop #familyowned #independentbusiness #lowkey #daytonohio #worldsoldestcomicshop #brickandmortar #thankyou
I was planning to stay away from comics for a bit, but... this Strange Tales 126 accidentally got 2 covers when made. Note the ripped upper left corner. That's only the outside cover! The inside cover is just dandy. Stop in to see it and more! Also, this issue contains the first appearances of Dormammu and Clea!
8/1/23 Open 6-9p. No open containers, please.
#DaytonOhio #BonnettsBooks #WorldsOldestComicShop #SilverAgeComics #DoubleCover #StrangeTales #DrStrange #TheThing #HumanTorch #Dormammu
#daytonohio #bonnettsbooks #worldsoldestcomicshop #silveragecomics #doublecover #strangetales #drstrange #thething #humantorch #dormammu
Did you truly experience Gem City Comic Con if you came to Dayton, OH and didn't visit BONNETT'S for a vintage-stamped comic?
Thanks to organizers and guests for another great event! Looking forward to next year!
7/24/23 Open 6-9p. No open containers, please.
#BonnettsBooks #DaytonOhio #Since1939 #GoldenAgeComics #BonnettsStamp #WorldsOldestComicShop #GemCityComicCon
#bonnettsbooks #daytonohio #since1939 #goldenagecomics #bonnettsstamp #worldsoldestcomicshop #gemcitycomiccon
Happy #Caturday to all!
Reminder: the shop will be closed Tuesday-Friday, July 18th-21st. Closed on Sundays, as usual.
7/15/23 Open 6-9p. No open containers, please.
#BonnettsBooks #UsedBookStore #WorldsOldestComicShop #VintageEphemera
#caturday #bonnettsbooks #usedbookstore #worldsoldestcomicshop #vintageephemera
July 22 & 23 is #GemCityComicCon in #DaytonOhio just a few blocks east of us here at #BonnettsBooks, likely the #WorldsOldestComicShop!
Important: We'll be closed a few days next week in preparation; dates to be determined.
7/13/23 Open 6-9p. No open containers, please.
#gemcitycomiccon #daytonohio #bonnettsbooks #worldsoldestcomicshop
I don't recall having shared a selfie on M:BOOKS, so here's your humble curator of social media for Bonnett's Books. The shop is 84 years old, in the same location since 1939.
The t-shirt behind me features our old store stamp on the cover of a "Satan in High Heels" paperback movie tie-in novel from 1962. My grandpa wrote the story the movie is based on and my father has a small role in the film.
Stop in if you visit Dayton!
#DaytonOH #BonnettsBooks #SatanInHighHeels #WorldsOldestComicShop
#daytonoh #bonnettsbooks #sataninhighheels #worldsoldestcomicshop
"Superman Limited Collectors' Edition" (1974)
Superman DC Treasury Edition Vol. 3 No. C-31
If Superman were real he'd have helped put out the Canadian wildfires by now. If you must stay inside, maybe enjoy some old comics and give this benevolent alien a chance to brighten your day.
6/29/23 Open 6:30p until at least 9p. No open containers, please.
#DaytonOhio #BrickAndMortar #UsedBookstore #WorldsOldestComicShop
#Superman #TheManOfSteel #CanadianWildfires @bookstodon
#daytonohio #brickandmortar #usedbookstore #worldsoldestcomicshop #superman #themanofsteel #canadianwildfires
A fresh batch of graphic novels just arrived, mostly Marvel, a few DC, & a couple of others. You might have to wait for me to read some of these first 😉👍
5/31/23 Open 6-9p. No open containers, please.
#BonnettsBooks #DaytonOhio #DaytonOH #BrickAndMortar #UsedBookStore #BackIssueComics #VintageMagazines #ClassicErotica #WorldsOldestComicShop
#bonnettsbooks #daytonohio #daytonoh #brickandmortar #usedbookstore #backissuecomics #vintagemagazines #classicerotica #worldsoldestcomicshop #bookstodon
It's Free Comic Book Day! We might be the World's Oldest Comic Shop, but we only have back-issues. Celebrate FCBD with your favorite NEW Comics Dealers, where you'll find all the latest freebies!
#DaytonOhio #UsedBookStore #BackIssueMagazines #VintageComics #FreeComicBookDay #FCBD #LocalComicShop #LCS #WorldsOldestComicShop #DaytonOH #Dayton #Ohio #BonnettsBooks @bookstodon
#daytonohio #usedbookstore #backissuemagazines #vintagecomics #freecomicbookday #fcbd #localcomicshop #lcs #worldsoldestcomicshop #daytonoh #dayton #ohio #bonnettsbooks
"Batman: The Cult" trade paperback first edition, found in one of my to-do boxes Saturday evening by a customer who wisely elected not to carry it around all night. The Dark Knight approves making the tough calls.
4/17/23 Open 6-9p Mask recommended. No open containers, please.
#Batman & #BonnettsBooks - together, fighting the forces of evil since 1939!
#DaytonOhio #BrickAndMortar #MomAndPop #UsedBookStore #VintagePaperbacks #BackIssueMagazines #WorldsOldestComicShop @bookstadon
#batman #bonnettsbooks #daytonohio #brickandmortar #momandpop #usedbookstore #vintagepaperbacks #backissuemagazines #worldsoldestcomicshop
Announcing WWII book signing, yesterday, turned my mind to the shop's history. Here's a peek at our memory wall. Images reflect years between 1939 #Batman № 1 & 2019 #GemCityShine. Good times! Questions? Please ask!
4/5/23 Open 6-9p Mask recommended. No open containers, please.
#DaytonOH #DaytonOhio #UsedBookStore #Bookstodon #WorldsOldestComicShop
#batman #gemcityshine #daytonoh #daytonohio #usedbookstore #bookstodon #worldsoldestcomicshop