@ChaskaTheMagicDog currently, i run #shadowdarkrpg (#Planscape setting) and #worldswithoutnumbers (#TombRobbersOfTheCristalFrontier module), oh and I gm‘d a session of #BrindlewoodBay last weekend. I mostly gm, but I’m pretty hyped that I will be a player in a #Greyhawk campaign starting in summer/autumn. An old friend of mine will be the dm and we will use the #shadowdarkrpg rules
#shadowdarkrpg #planscape #worldswithoutnumbers #tombrobbersofthecristalfrontier #BrindlewoodBay #Greyhawk
@Glorrion #StarsWithoutNumbers habe ich schon mehrfach gespielt. Ganz tolle Traveller-esque (2d6 Würfe für skills, SwN ist in Bezug auf das Setting auch von Traveller New Era beeinflusst) d20 Scifi. Vollkompatibel mit #WorldsWithoutNumbers. Man kann dann durch die Kombi science fantasy a la Star Wars Stricken
#starswithoutnumbers #worldswithoutnumbers
Ich könnte jetzt behaupten, Fortunato Pariles wäre nicht zum neuen Messias eines Kultes von Orchideenwesen gewesen, aber das wäre gelogen. #WorldsWithoutNumbers #PnpDE
@zdl @SJohnRoss I've never tried a MUSH to be honest, my online roleplaying has always been in settings that were mixed text/graphics like inside MMOs or inside #SecondLife so can't really compare. But I'm still using a tabletop based system (#WorldsWithoutNumbers) with a complete character sheet and everything, so not sure if that is also done in MUSHes? Always had the (outsider) impression those were more freeform?
#secondlife #worldswithoutnumbers