Agreed, but #degrowth means ending #capitalism and this isn't on the agenda of ANY "democratic" government worldwide.
The only motive which is able to co-opt capitalists to an agenda as you mentioned are expectations of future occasions to generate exorbitant profits like it was expectable after WW2.
In a globalized capitalist #worldsystem you wont find anybody investing a single dollar in a degrowing industry!
@IsabVann2 @W_Lucht @parents4future
#degrowth #capitalism #worldsystem
Shure, billionaires are the most influential individuals, but I don't think they are "propped up" more than other big companies, which aren't autocraticly reigned. Of course, there's a lot of corruption, but this is not the crucial point, at least in western democracies. It's the system as a whole, which has to be kept alive by any means!
Personalizing #capitalism is misleading and results in a truncated critique of the #worldsystem!
@greeneralia @largess @RhinosWorryMe
I totally agree. However, the analytical part of your toot needs to be completed.
No doubt, billionaires like these manic spacemen actively accelerate the looting of the planet, primarily through their investments in energy and resource intensive industries.
The ecocide, however, is the result of a completely irrational, ever-growing #capitalist #worldsystem. The billionaires are part of it, but don't ascribe them too much power or control!
@greeneralia @largess @RhinosWorryMe
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