#holidays #WorldThinkingDay, #CookASweetPotatoDay, #WildlifeDay, #MargaritaDay, #EuropeanDayForVictimsOfCrime, #RecreationalSportsAndFitnessDay, #WalkingTheDogDay, #PlayMoreCardsDay, #SupermarketEmployeeDay, #ScoutsFoundersDay, #InconvenienceYourselfDay, #BeHumbleDay, #AshWednesday
#holidays #worldthinkingday #cookasweetpotatoday #wildlifeday #margaritaday #europeandayforvictimsofcrime #recreationalsportsandfitnessday #walkingthedogday #playmorecardsday #supermarketemployeeday #scoutsfoundersday #inconvenienceyourselfday #behumbleday #ashwednesday
#holidays #WorldThinkingDay, #CookASweetPotatoDay, #WildlifeDay, #MargaritaDay, #EuropeanDayForVictimsOfCrime, #RecreationalSportsAndFitnessDay, #WalkingTheDogDay, #PlayMoreCardsDay, #SupermarketEmployeeDay, #ScoutsFoundersDay, #InconvenienceYourselfDay, #BeHumbleDay, #AshWednesday
#holidays #worldthinkingday #cookasweetpotatoday #wildlifeday #margaritaday #europeandayforvictimsofcrime #recreationalsportsandfitnessday #walkingthedogday #playmorecardsday #supermarketemployeeday #scoutsfoundersday #inconvenienceyourselfday #behumbleday #ashwednesday
Our capacity to think Is a tool, a way to improve our options to survive in hostile and difficult environments.
So, the Cartesio's quote:"cogito ergo sum" is not necessarily true.
Is It possibile to be, without actually thinking.
And meditation demonstrates that, often, not to think it's a way to improve our Life.
To think it's a lifesaving tool so let's use It wisely.
It's world thinking day... so with no further ado, wrap your thinking caps round this wise Wednesday quiz.
Answer below on the comments. We'll reveal the answer later on.
#wisewednesday #quiz #trivia #think #thinking #thinkingday #worldthinkingday #bursa #whatdoesitdo #howitworks #body #anatomy
#wisewednesday #quiz #trivia #think #thinking #thinkingday #worldthinkingday #bursa #whatdoesitdo #howitworks #body #anatomy
Happy World Thinking Day 2023! Today we celebrate our planet and our peaceful future. Let's come together to promote cross-cultural understanding, global citizenship, and gender equality. Check out my blog on World Thinking Day 2023 to learn more about this year's theme and the importance of the day. Read my blog here:
#worldthinkingday #ourplanetourpeacefulfuture