Last Saturday, on November 19th was the #worldtoiletday (#WTD). This day should inspire #people to act on the #global #sanitation crisis as we still have more than 2.5 billion people without proper sanitation. It began in 2001 in #Singapore and was invented by the World Toilet Organization. That's an #NGO located in Singapore who hosts the World Toilet Summit. Its vision is a world with a #clean, #safe toilet for everyone, everywhere at all times.
Follow them and us for a better resource use!
#safe #clean #ngo #singapore #sanitation #global #people #wtd #worldtoiletday
Zum #worldtoiletday hat die Bundesfrauengruppe der #Gewerkschaft der #Polizei (#GdP) ihre Forderung nach mobilen Toilettenwagen für die Polizeien in Bund und Ländern bekräftigt.
#worldtoiletday #gewerkschaft #polizei #gdp #gdpwirfurmorgen
Shocking numbers.
#water #SDG6 #GlobalGoals #health #WorldToiletDay
#water #sdg6 #globalgoals #health #worldtoiletday
For #WorldToiletDay we asked you to help us make the invisible visible, and you did!
The link between sanitation and groundwater cannot be overlooked. It may be out of sight, but it must not be out of mind.
Let’s get #Goal6 on track! ❤️💪🏽
Unsafe toilets are robbing girls of their futures.
Making toilets safe and female-friendly helps keep girls in school, where they belong.
Wir müssen reden! #worldtoiletday #polizei #bereitschaftspolizei #gdp #gdpfrauen
#gdpfrauen #gdp #bereitschaftspolizei #polizei #worldtoiletday
My radio just informed me that it’s World Toilet Day - so here are some fancy “thrones”. #toilet #worldToiletDay #Throne #furniture #art #homeDesign
#toilet #worldtoiletday #throne #furniture #art #homedesign
On #WorldToiletDay, I’d like to remind everyone about the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of Canada GoHere program : where businesses can open washrooms to those people who *really* need them. Please make a difference & life a little easier for people w. #Crohns #colitis Thanks! #CCawarenessmonth
#worldtoiletday #Crohns #colitis #ccawarenessmonth
🌍 Journée mondiale des toilettes 🚽
Eh oui, elle existe ! 😉 Profitons de cette occasion pour rappeler que le test de #dépistage du #cancercolorectal est simple, rapide et à faire chez soi ! 🏠
La preuve en mages ➡️
#crcdcpaysdelaloire #WorldToiletDay
#depistage #cancercolorectal #crcdcpaysdelaloire #worldtoiletday
A brief history of the toilet
By Bettina Baumann | via DW News
“World Toilet Day on November 19 aims to raise awareness of the importance of safe sanitation. In Europe, the history of the toilet is full of dirty secrets.”
#WorldToiletDay #History #Culture #Read #Article
#article #read #culture #history #worldtoiletday #reading
So apparently it is #WorldToiletDay today, and my toilet is clogged. Coincidence? I think not.
Of course, I realize that sanitation is no laughing matter, and for many around the world the lack of it is a serious issue.
Let this #WorldToiletDay be a reminder that #DiarrhealDisease is largely preventable. Its persistence as a cause of significant morbidity and mortality worldwide is a political choice, not a scientific or medical inevitability.
#worldtoiletday #diarrhealdisease
3,6 Milliarden Menschen haben keinen Zugang zu hygienischen Toiletten. Das sorgt für Krankheiten und verhindert in vielen Fällen Bildung gerade für Mädchen und Frauen. Auch die Teilhabe von Menschen mit Behinderung wird unterbunden.
Heute ist daher #WorldToiletDay #Welttoilettentag.
#worldtoiletday #welttoilettentag
World Toilet Day | November 19
#WTD #WorldToiletDay #PublicToilets #PublicBathrooms #NowhereToGo #NoPlaceToGo #GottaGo #IC #InterstitialCystitis #PainfulBladderSyndrome #BladderHealth #HealthAndWellness #PublicHealth #Hygiene #HumanRights #PHLUSH #FLUSH #WorldToiletOrganization #Outhouse #SawdustToilet #CompostingToilet #Humanure #PublicHealthAndSafety #PublicSpace #UrbanDesign #GoodCities #WalkableCities #Pedestrian #Walkability #WomenInArchitecture #NSGov #HFXGov #Halifax #NovaScotia #CBC
#wtd #worldtoiletday #publictoilets #publicbathrooms #nowheretogo #noplacetogo #gottago #ic #interstitialcystitis #painfulbladdersyndrome #bladderhealth #healthandwellness #publichealth #hygiene #humanrights #phlush #flush #worldtoiletorganization #outhouse #sawdusttoilet #compostingtoilet #humanure #publichealthandsafety #publicspace #UrbanDesign #goodcities #walkablecities #pedestrian #walkability #womeninarchitecture #nsgov #hfxgov #Halifax #novascotia #cbc
Today is both #internationalmensday and #worldtoiletday. Just sayin' 😉
#internationalmensday #worldtoiletday
Today is #InternationalMensDay and #WorldToiletDay. Coincidence? I think not.
#worldtoiletday #InternationalMensDay
More people on Earth have access to a mobile phone than people who have access to a clean and safe toilet. #WorldToiletDay