Heads up: we have an "unbranded" #WorldwideFreedomRally (#WWFR) happening May 20th at Noon local time under the guise of "#Unity".
As usual with this crew, it's all very conspiracist oriented, very anti-globalism, very anti-WHO, & very anti-"elites"... (Translation: very antisemitic & weird).
Expect small crowds of #QAnon-types to be out in locations such as: Ottawa, Keene, Toronto, Brantford, Barrie, Windsor, Bayfield, Penetang, Elliot Lake, Calgary, Terrace, Prince George, Regina, Gimli, Charlottetown, Moncton, & others.
I'm just posting this to give a heads up for anyone out at noon on Saturday in case you come across some group of ppl raving on about #Globalists, 5G, the "elites", and using slogans around "unity" and "we are ready" - that's going to be them.
As per their website:
"the #BilderbergClub is meeting in Lisbon, and the W.H.O. is also having a meeting at a different location. These two organizations are linked to globalism, agenda 2030, and the push for a one-world government."
I wouldn't give them any of your long weekend time (if in Canada), just my 2 cents.
#worldwidefreedomrally #wwfr #unity #qanon #globalists #bilderbergclub #convoywatch #fashwatch #fashwatchcanada