Reorganized my #TTRPG shelves again.If I cannot regularly play RPGs, I guess I can organize and plan. (I'd rather be playing.)
#RPG #Genesys #StarWarsEdgeOfTheEmpire #DnD5e #Pathfinder2e #WorldWideWrestling #ICONS #GIJoe #Transformers #Twilight2000 #Alien #BlueRose #DnD4e #BattleTech #StarTrek #StarTrekAdventures #StarWars #StarWarsWEG
#ttrpg #rpg #Genesys #StarWarsEdgeOfTheEmpire #dnd5e #pathfinder2e #worldwidewrestling #icons #gijoe #transformers #Twilight2000 #alien #BlueRose #dnd4e #battletech #startrek #startrekadventures #starwars #starwarsweg
#RPG #TTRPG #WorldWideWrestling #ProWrestling #ProfessionalWrestling #PbtA
#rpg #ttrpg #worldwidewrestling #prowrestling #professionalwrestling #pbta
Das erste Mal RPG seit... Keine Ahnung? 16 Monaten?
Es war #WorldWideWrestling. Und. Es. War. AWESOME!
Danke an @wienna vom #3W6Podcast.
1A Spielleitung, großartiges #PbtA System. Einfach fun.
Leichte und sehr spaßige Unterhaltung. Jedem zu empfehlen. Für Rollenspielende und Wrestlingfans (ohne RPG Erfahrung) gleichermaßen zu empfehlen.
#worldwidewrestling #3w6podcast #pbta #pnpde
Was ich sonst noch geleitet hatte im #RPGJahr2022 war #Numenera #Mausritter #Monsterjagd #TidalBlades #Dragonbane und #Spire.
Gespielt habe ich dazu noch #Agon #Vaesen #Numenera #Cthulhu #SoTiefDieSchwereSee #DCC #ScumAndVillany #WorldWideWrestling #BrindlewoodBay #EclipsePhase #SavageWorlds #FedoraNoir (oder angeleitet)
So grob incl. Session Zero waren es über 100 Sitzungen gewesen.
#rpgjahr2022 #numenera #Mausritter #monsterjagd #tidalblades #DragonBane #Spire #agon #Vaesen #cthulhu #sotiefdieschweresee #DCC #ScumandVillany #worldwidewrestling #BrindlewoodBay #eclipsephase #savageworlds #fedoranoir #pnpde #penandpaper #rollenspiel
(14) Object: Cloak of the Bat
(15) Relationship: The one I had with the PC whose player would be my GF later.
(16) Designer: Nothing specific.
(17) Want to Play in 2023: Fabula Ultima & World Wide Wrestling
#FabulaUltima #worldwidewrestling #ttrpg #rpg
I've just backed New Year's Fray 2022 by Nathan D. Paoletta.
Christas Spirit plus system derived from #WorldWideWrestling ? Seems too good to pass!
This weekend, I ran an #apocalypseworld one shot (that may parley into a few more sessions) and started a new #torchbearer campaign. Tomorrow I play #worldwidewrestling and Friday it's #bladesinthedark
How do I have zero #osr games in the mix?
#apocalypseworld #torchbearer #worldwidewrestling #bladesinthedark #osr
@taffysaint I guess I could have tagged you on the other response. :)
I have had to DM/GM 90% of my life, so as a player it is hard to say what is my jam. I am okay with fantasy, I just want something different.
Of the #RPG I have , I'd like to play:
#BattleTech or #MechWarrior RPG
#Genesys especially Shadow of the Beanstalk
But I'd be happy trying new things... or really just not GMing for a while.
#rpg #Twilight2000 #battletech #mechwarrior #Genesys #alien #transformers #worldwidewrestling
@taffysaint I have had to DM/GM 90% of my life, so as a player it is hard to say what is my jam. I am okay with fantasy, I just want something different.
Of the #RPG I have , I'd like to play:
#BattleTech or #MechWarrior RPG
#Genesys especially Shadow of the Beanstalk
But I'd be happy trying new things... or really just not GMing for a while.
#rpg #Twilight2000 #battletech #mechwarrior #Genesys #alien #transformers #worldwidewrestling
@vdono146 I have the materials for #worldwidewrestling and seriously want to give it a try.
Last five games I've run:
#VampireV5 (Just concluded 1yr+ long story)
#VampireTheRequiem (Concluded another long part of an ongoing game. 1st Ed.)
Last five games I've played:
Next five games I'm running or want to run:
#DragonAge (Starts December 3!)
Next five I want to play:
#ttrpg #5and5 #vampireV5 #VampiretheRequiem #StarWarsSAGA #nWoD #VampireV3 #Cthulhu4E #ADnD2E #BESMd20 #dragonage #Hunter5 #MSpace #CyberpunkRED #avatarlegends #Mistborn #worldwidewrestling
Last 5 #TTRPG GMed:
- #DnD
- #BladesInTheDark
- #Genesys #ShadowOfTheBeanstalk
- #StarWars Edge of the Empire
- #Alien
5 that I want to run
- #Transformers RPG
- #Twilight2000
- #Mechwarrior Destiny
- #MutantsInTheNow
- #WorldWideWrestling
Plus so many more...
#ttrpg #DnD #bladesinthedark #Genesys #ShadowOfTheBeanstalk #starwars #alien #transformers #Twilight2000 #mechwarrior #MutantsInTheNow #worldwidewrestling
I feel that maybe #UnderHollowHills is the direction towards which #WorldWideWrestling should go. As far as #PbtA circus games go, if it's not about if you can make that flip, what matters is how the eyes of the audience move as you do so. How can you change their lives?
#UnderHollowHills #worldwidewrestling #pbta