Happy #WorldYouthSkillsDay!
Skills serves as bridges, connecting the dreams of the youth to the realm of success.
Amidst our celebration today, we want to assure you that "AI will not snatch away your jobs; instead, it will empower those who embrace it."
We are thrilled to share with you some groundbreaking AI tools that can help you as a professional to work smarter and efficiently.
While these tools are applicable to virtually anyone, they prove particularly beneficial for graphic designers, photographers, and web developers.
In einer Studie im Auftrag von saferinternet.at gaben 70 % der Jugendlichen an, dass es schwierig sei herauszufinden, ob Infos im Internet wahr oder falsch sind. www.ispa.at/SID2023Studie #WorldYouthSkillsDay #WYSD2023
#factfriday #worldyouthskillsday #wysd2023