Title: Infodump
Summary: Francis explaining nerdy stuff to his friend Jesse, who doesn't get it at all but likes listening.
What kind of nerdy stuff? Well, Francis likes isekai stories and he also likes editing fan-wikis for those stories.
Jesse was diagnosed with autism at a young age and he pretty much instantly recognized Francis as one of his own, so to speak. But Francis was never diagnosed and doesn't realize that about himself... yet.
The pig plush was a gift from Francis' other friend, Yussef. I haven't uploaded a picture of him yet.
Tags: #Toony #HumanArt #ActuallyAutistic #WorseArt
Newgrounds version: https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/worseirl/infodump
#toony #humanart #actuallyautistic #worseart
Title: Trashy Guys
Summary: My favorite Pokemon, Trubbish, with Nezumi Otoko from Gegege no Kitaro. That's a vintage anime series that got me back into the whole "eyes as big white circles with small black dots" style. I would like to watch more of it, but it hasn't been subbed. Maybe Discotek will pick it up one of these days. I'm not a big fan of the character designs and styles in 21st century anime. I prefer the simple and toony look. But now I'm rambling... I don't remember when I made this. Maybe two years ago? *shrugs*
Title: Francis blep
Summary: Not furry, but I still wanted to share. My silly boy Francis. This summer my mind was suddenly invaded with many human and humanoid characters, which is unusual for me! Usually I like to daydream about other species...
Francis is the oldest of these new humans and one of the only ones with a stable design. He's a twenty-something-year-old NEET from St Louis, Missouri.
Newgrounds version: https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/worseirl/francis-blep
One more piece of art for today.
Title: Gryphon and Unicorn
Summary: This is a scene from the second book in The Firebringer Trilogy by Meredith Ann Pierce- which I highly recommend to all fantasy and xenofiction fans! It's criminally under-rated! Old art, but I tweaked a couple things to update it. It's the first art of mine someone reviewed on Newgrounds! They called it "Very sweet!"
Tags: #FantasyArt #FurryArt #Xenofiction #Unicorn #Gryphon #TheFirebringerTrilogy #WorseArt
Newgrounds version: https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/worseirl/gryphon-and-unicorn
#fantasyart #furryart #xenofiction #unicorn #gryphon #thefirebringertrilogy #worseart
Oh, yeah, I said I was going to post art today.
Title: Animal
Summary: A minimalist reference sheet for my fursona. Not much else to say... A colored pencil piece with a few digital tweaks.
Tags: #FurryArt #Fursona #ReferenceSheet #HorseFurry #ColoredPencils #WorseArt (<-- tag for my art)
Newgrounds version: https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/worseirl/animal
#furryart #fursona #referencesheet #horsefurry #coloredpencils #worseart