Contribution for Week of Solidarity from Komotini (Greek) from Anarchist Squat Utopia A.D
Letter from Ambro – anarchist prisoner in #SantiagoDeChile for the Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners
#santiagodechile #woswap2023 #woswap
Today, 29 August Thomas was released after almost 27 years imprisonment!
Best action during the International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners!
First prize: FREEDOM!
We are all really happy and wish Thomas all the best and welcome home!
#woswap2023 #woswap #thomasmeyerfalk
Contribution to the Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners from Biel (Swiss)
Event for Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoner
29.08. Until my last breath – documentary Alfredo Cospito (italian with engl sub)
@ Malobeo – Kamenzerstr. 38, 01099 #Dresden
18:30 – food for all
19:30 – Until my last breath
Prison and resistance Talk with Gabriel Pombo da Silva
28 August 6pm, at Karl-Helga, #Leipzig #Germany #TillAllAreFree
"In the framework of the international week of solidarity with anarchist prisoners, this Monday, the 28th of August, there will be a talk with Gabriel Pombo da Silva at the Karl-Helga.
Gabriel is a well-known anarchist militant with a long history, who has spent more than 30 years in different prisons for his activities. On this occasion, we will talk about what this week of #solidarity means and how important it is; at the same time, we will remember our comrades who are still behind bars or who have left us. For his part, Gabriel will tell us about his current situation (recently released), the repression of the anarchist movement and the meaning of prison within the system of domination and why we anarchists oppose it."
more about The International Week of Solidarity With Anarchist Prisoners at @woswap
#leipzig #germany #tillallarefree #solidarity #woswap #woswap2023 #anarchistprisoners #anarchism
Prison and resistance Talk with Gabriel Pombo da Silva
28 August 6pm,
Karl-Helga, #Leipzig #Germany
"In the framework of the international week of solidarity with anarchist prisoners, this Monday, the 28th of August, there will be a talk with Gabriel Pombo da Silva at the Karl-Helga.
Gabriel is a well-known anarchist militant with a long history, who has spent more than 30 years in different prisons for his activities. On this occasion, we will talk about what this week of solidarity means and how important it is; at the same time, we will remember our comrades who are still behind bars or who have left us. For his part, Gabriel will tell us about his current situation (recently released), the repression of the anarchist movement and the meaning of prison within the system of domination and why we anarchists oppose it.
The talk will be streamed and will start at 6pm. We invite you to bring something to eat to share with other participants. Drinks will be available on site."
#leipzig #germany #woswap #woswap2023 #anarchism
Message from Th. Chatzianggelou, C’Wing, Larissa Prison #Greece
#woswap2023 #WOSWAP
"….and the ashes of the Bastille will spread to the furthest reaches of the earth
“See, how their indifference is killing us”
On a planet burning with rebellious hearts, there are still messages of resistance and optimism. Messages of complicity hidden under hoods, travelling to our ears through a machine gun click in the palaces of the uniformed memes in Chile, from a Molotov cocktail in the angry French suburbs, from a blast of anger and justice in the West Bank, from a sabotage against developmental frenzy in the Italian north, from the shattered windows of domestic consumerism.
Here where time has no power over our bodies and rage drowns you in a spit the intensification of the international revolutionary struggle is our reminder of absolute freedom. It is our need and our desire. Whoever forgets the prisoners of the social and class war for an unrestrained world, forgets the war itself.
Unceasing solidarity with the unrepentant imprisoned revolutionaries who define life on the natural frontier of subversive law.
Strength and respect to the international revolutionary cells fighting in the present day justifying our captivity."
#AnarchistPrisoners #anarchism
#greece #woswap2023 #woswap #anarchistprisoners #anarchism
Screening of the documentary: “COPEL: a story of rebellion and dignity” in Santander (Spain)
Wednesday, 30 August 2023 at 20:00
@ Libreria la libre
Estáis invitades, os esperamos!!!
On Saturday, August 26th at 5pm, in collaboration with Food Not Bombs Tbilisi (, we are joining forces to support activists from Food Not Bombs Minsk ( who are currently political prisoners.
@ MOSS, 159 Davit Aghmashenebeli Ave, Tbilisi
A portion of the proceeds from our special food weekend will be directed to ABC-Belarus , an organization that stands in solidarity with them.
The featured dishes include:
• Kholodnik
• Draniki
Furthermore, by ordering a dish from our special menu, you'll enter a chance to win a tattoo by red.9scar_ceremony
Music vibes will be curated by 4.hariton (, kvadra_patra (, Vadik.fin (
If you are hosting any events during #woswap2023 and want them to be mentioned by us please let us know:
We received a picture from Anarchist Black Cross Dresden @abcdd
They will be hosting a letter writing today and show a movie next week. More information on their website:
We continue the struggle together! Freedom is not given, it is taken!
Комітет Спротиву /// Resistance Committee joined the call for #WOSWAP2023 #WOSWAP
"“We urge you to join the international week of solidarity with anarchist prisoners.
Today in Ukraine we are fighting for the release of dozens of anarchists imprisoned by putin’s Russia and its controlled regime in Belarus.
Continuing the struggle is one of the best ways to support them, but you can also support prisoners financially by donating to solidarity organizations. In Belarus these are ABC-Belarus, in Russia ABC-Moscow and Zona Solidarnosti.
And we will continue to participate in the counter-offensive until the people in BUR are free”"
Message by anarchist prisoner Thanos Xatziaggelou for the international week of solidarity with anarchist prisoners (23-30 August)
'...and the ashes of the Bastille will spread to the farthest reaches of the earth'
Solidarity With Anarchist Prisoners: A Message From Occupied Ohlone/Miwok Territory
On August 21 2023, approximately 20 people gathered in San Francisco to write letters in solidarity with imprisoned revolutionaries, liberationists, insurrectionists, and anti-colonial warriors facing state repression around the globe. In commemoration of both BLACK AUGUST and INTERNATIONAL WEEK OF SOLIDARITY WITH ANARCHIST PRISONERS, people came together to read zines, share food, stories, and discuss the cases of numerous anarchist prisoners.
FREE ALL imprisoned land defenders and water protectors. FREE ALL prisoners of the George Floyd uprisings. FREE ALL prisoners of the Black Intifada and Ferguson uprisings.
San Francisco Solidarity Collective /Colectivo de Solidaridad de San Francisco
List of imprisoned anarchists 2023
"Every year we try to update the list of imprisoned anarchists. We finished and present it to you!
If you see any mistakes in it, if someone is missing or has been released, please let us know!
There is a single page version and a booklet version to print."
via @woswap
Write to our comrades in jail and break the isolation!
No one is free until all are free!
Day of agitation and propaganda at the Tristán Narvaja fair (Montevideo), on Sunday 27/08 at 10 am.
¡Ninguna cárcel para nadie, nunca!
¡Contra la cárcel y la sociedad que la necesita!
🖤 ¡Qué viva la Anarquía! 🖤
Interview about WOSWAP with Final Straw and Anarchist Defense Fund
In the episode 6 August 2023 Fern from the International Anarchist Defense Fund ( talks about the upcoming International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners from August 23-30th, taking place wherever you make it happen.
You can listen to the interview at the Final Straw website (
Events in Dresden for International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoner
25.08. International Week of Solidarity with anarchist prisoners – SOLIDARITEA
@ Malobeo – Kamenzerstr. 38, 01099 Dresden
17 Uhr – Input zu anarchistischen Gefangenen und gemeinsam Briefe schreiben
18:30 Uhr – Essen für Alle
29.08. Until my last breath – Dokumentation zu Alfredo Cospito + lecker Essen
@ Malobeo – Kamenzerstr. 38, 01099 Dresden
18:30 Uhr – Essen für Alle
19:30 Uhr – Until my last breath – Dokumentation zu Alfredo Cospito (italienisch mit engl. Untertiteln)