RT @Pramenofanarchy@twitter.com
This Friday on 27th August at 19:00 (Minsk time) anarchist comrades organize a presentation on repressions in #Belarus in English within the frame of week of solidarity with anarchist prisoners. Details available at https://pramen.io/en/2021/08/repressions/ #woswap2021 #anarchism #repressions
#belarus #woswap2021 #anarchism #repressions
RT @Pramenofanarchy@twitter.com
This Friday on 27th August at 19:00 (Minsk time) anarchist comrades organize a presentation on repressions in #Belarus in English within the frame of week of solidarity with anarchist prisoners. Details available at https://pramen.io/en/2021/08/repressions/ #woswap2021 #anarchism #repressions
#repressions #Anarchism #woswap2021 #belarus
This Friday on 27th August at 19:00 (Minsk time) anarchist comrades organize a presentation on repressions in #Belarus in English within the frame of week of solidarity with anarchist prisoners. Details available at https://pramen.io/en/2021/08/repressions/ #woswap2021 #anarchism #repressions
#belarus #woswap2021 #anarchism #repressions
RT @solidarity_week@twitter.com
The time has come to invite you to the next edition of International Week of Solidarity With Anarchist Prisoners!
Visit our website https://solidarity.international , read and share the full version of the call to action.
#tillallarefree #Solidarity #woswap2021