Die American Dialect Society hat die Endung "-ussy" zum Word of the Year 2022 gekürt. Die Endung ist ein kreatives, sprachliches Meme von TikTok. https://www.americandialect.org/2022-word-of-the-year-is-ussy #WotY #WortDesJahes
For those of you who like to watch the Grammar Girl podcast on YouTube, this week's word-of-the-year show is now live there too.
I talked with Valerie Fridland for her "Psychology Today" column about words of the year.
About halfway down the page, you'll find a bit about how Mastodon voting differed from LinkedIn voting.
@emacsomancer I find this interesting, since I've been researching #WotY for an, erm, "project". But this one is really disappointing. Reading through the press release, one of the candidates was "quiet quitting". That's the winner for me.
The American Dialect Society has chosen "-ussy" as the 2022 word of the year.
Chair @bgzimmer says, "The selection of the suffix -ussy highlights how creativity in new word formation has been embraced online in venues like TikTok,” Zimmer said. “The playful suffix builds off the word pussy to generate new slang terms. The process has been so productive lately on social media sites and elsewhere that it has been dubbed
The American Dialect Society have posted the #WOTY candidates to be voted on tonight and Slava Ukraini is one of the candidates for word of the year. ☺️ Teenage daughter is voting for 'rizz'....
The #AmericanDialectSociety will be voting on their #WordsOfTheYear tonight at their and the #LinguisticSocietyOfAmerica's annual meetings in Denver.
Here are the candidates for the categories: https://www.americandialect.org/nominations-for-words-of-the-year-2022
This year only ppl registered for the meetings will have access to the live feed and voting. 😩
#americandialectsociety #wordsoftheyear #linguisticsocietyofamerica #linguistics #LSA #woty #usenglish
2022's US-to-UK #Word of the Year: #homer
#woty 🧵 1/
To refresh your memory, here's how the word-of-the-year voting went down.
You suggested 64 words that captured the 2022 zeitgeist, and we voted on brackets to narrow them down.
Word of the Year #IWSG #WOTY Score
OK, let's do this thing!
These are the final two words in the word-of-the-year bracket. Which one better captures the zeitgeist of 2022?
New year and I have 23 goals to achieve.
1. Declutter the house (12 spaces )
2. Make walking a habit (Goal 30k in July for Heart Foundation)
3. Visit the roses in Newstead Park (September)
4. Got to a comedy Show ( Sarah Milligan - March, Kitty Flanagan - August)
5. Learn about Moss & Lichen (Create a Journal)
6. Read Something Everyday (23 Books)
7. Listen to the AudioBooks in my Library ( 23 Books)
8. Take Precious to the Beach
9. Choose a Word of the Year #WOTY - Becoming
10. Catalogue craft supplies - keep & donate
11. Finish the Gum Tree tapestry
12. Make a piece of jewellery
13. Catalogue Photos taken in 2022 ( and work backwards month by month)
14. Take an online course ( Lightroom / Photoshop / Illustrator)
15. Go to the Nambour Garden Show in July
16. Build a butterfly house
17. Do something that scares you - Tattoo?
18. Go Whale watching ( September)
19. Visit somewhere new (Somewhere in the Sunshine)
20. Visit Morans Falls (February to celebrate Dads 90th Birthday 11 February)
21. Build a website (KFPS volunteer)
22. Make a 2024 calendar (November)
23. Decorate for Christmas (December)
#woty #23thingsin2023 #beyonddragons #12smallsteps
New year and I have 23 goals to achieve.
1. Declutter the house (12 spaces )
2. Make walking a habit (Goal 30k in July for Heart Foundation)
3. Visit the roses in Newstead Park (September)
4. Got to a comedy Show ( Sarah Milligan - March, Kitty Flanagan - August)
5. Learn about Moss & Lichen (Create a Journal)
6. Read Something Everyday (23 Books)
7. Listen to the AudioBooks in my Library ( 23 Books)
8. Take Precious to the Beach
9. Choose a Word of the Year #WOTY - Becoming
10. Catalogue craft supplies - keep & donate
11. Finish the Gum Tree tapestry
12. Make a piece of jewellery
13. Catalogue Photos taken in 2022 ( and work backwards month by month)
14. Take an online course ( Lightroom / Photoshop / Illustrator)
15. Go to the Nambour Garden Show in July
16. Build a butterfly house
17. Do something that scares you - Tattoo?
18. Go Whale watching ( September)
19. Visit somewhere new (Somewhere in the Sunshine)
20. Visit Morans Falls (February to celebrate Dads 90th Birthday 11 February)
21. Build a website (KFPS volunteer)
22. Make a 2024 calendar (November)
23. Decorate for Christmas (December)
#woty #23thingsin2023 #beyonddragons #12small
The fabulous Kory Stamper (@korystamper), author of "Word by Word," joins me this week on the Grammar Girl podcast to talk about words of the year: how they get chosen, what makes each one different, and what people yearn for in their words of the year.
Goblin mode, homer, woman, and more.
READ: https://grammar-girl.simplecast.com/episodes/words-or-the-year/transcript
WATCH: https://youtu.be/dwg-hBGg9KE
LISTEN: https://pod.link/173429229
#woty #woty2022 #WordNerd #podcast #lexicography #dictionaries
#woty #woty2022 #wordnerd #podcast #lexicography #dictionaries
Poll 2 of 2 for the #WOTY Final Four.
Which word better captures the zeitgeist of 2022.
#woty #woty2022 #wotyfinalfour
Poll 1 of 2 for the #WOTY Final Four.
Which word better captures the zeitgeist of 2022.
#woty #woty2022 #wotyfinalfour
We're down to the Final Four in the word-of-the-year vote! Here's where things stand.
I'll set up the polls tomorrow.
#woty #woty2022 #wotyfinalfour
My words of the year for 2022, plus a roundup of other #woty news. https://nancyfriedman.typepad.com/away_with_words/2022/12/words-of-the-year-2022-fritinancy-edition.html