Happy anniversary to Kylie Minogue’s single, “Wouldn't Change a Thing”. Released this week in 1989. #kylieminogue #kylie #wouldntchangeathing #enjoyyoureself
#KylieMinogue #kylie #wouldntchangeathing #enjoyyoureself
This guy was born 33 years ago today, and lucky for me, I’m his mom! He’s an author, speaker, and all around super funny guy. He’s more than I could have ever dreamed, and I’m a writer too, so that’s sayin something. #wouldntchangeathing #TheluckyFew #BlackDayBook
#blackdaybook #TheluckyFew #wouldntchangeathing
1. a bunny rabbit ran out into the street this morning, and I did *not* hit it.
2. I got to sit in the sun for a little bit this afternoon.
3. This new Barbie with Down Syndrome is very cool! It may sell out before I get one, and I’m ok with that, too. #TheLuckyFew #DownSyndrome #WouldntChangeAThing
#wouldntchangeathing #downsyndrome #TheluckyFew #3goodthings
Ok. One more. (because the hashtag tracker has moved on). I had a lovely, celebratory dinner with my son and husband. 3-21 is #WorldDownSyndromeDay we were supposed to go to a party with other #T21 peeps, but work delayed me. So we just went out ourselves. Marcus and I had some wine and we made jokes. (And ate kind of a lot, and also have leftovers.) ANYway, hug those you love. Reminder: the universe created #DownSyndrome to offset all the boring people. #wouldntchangeathing #TheLuckyFew
#TheluckyFew #wouldntchangeathing #downsyndrome #t21 #worlddownsyndromeday
I love this picture of my husband and our son. I think it needs a caption. Anyone game?
RT @Wouldntchangea1@twitter.com
My name is Hollie and I am 15 years old. I live in South Wales. This is my 4th year as an ambassador for Wouldn’t Change A Thing.
I love listening to music, singing and dancing! I really enjoy swimming.
#WCATAmbassador #DownSyndrome #WouldntChangeAThing
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Wouldntchangea1/status/1614648321976553474
#wcatambassador #downsyndrome #wouldntchangeathing
RT @Wouldntchangea1@twitter.com
Our next 2023 #WCATAmbassador is Jordan Grace. Her mum, Maria, says;
‘Jordan Grace has a zest for life which is contagious, loves with her entire heart, she lives for the moment and enjoys and appreciates all the small things.’
#wouldntchangeathing #downsyndrome #wcatambassador
Just over 26 years ago, my son grabbed the microphone and entertained everyone at the wedding. Just a glimpse of what was to come. #Throwbackthursday #WouldntChangeAThing
#wouldntchangeathing #throwbackthursday
#NothingDownAboutIt #UpSyndrome #MoreAlikeThanDifferent #DifferentNotLess #TheLuckyFew #ExtraChromosomeExtraCute #DownSyndromeLove #AdvocateLikeAMother #AdvocateLikeAFather #FindYourTribe #Tribe321 #DownSyndromeAwareness #Trisomy21 #T21 #SeeTheAbili
#ShoutTheirWorth #DontLimitMe
#DownRightPerfect #LoveDoesntCountChromosomes #WouldntChangeAThing #DesignerGenes #LifeIsBetterWithYou #HomieWithAnExtraChromie #ChromosomallyEnhanced #NotSpecialNeedsJustHumanNeeds #Inclusion
#nothingdownaboutit #upsyndrome #morealikethandifferent #differentnotless #theluckyfew #extrachromosomeextracute #downsyndromelove #advocatelikeamother #advocatelikeafather #findyourtribe #tribe321 #downsyndromeawareness #trisomy21 #t21 #seetheabili #shouttheirworth #dontlimitme #downrightperfect #lovedoesntcountchromosomes #wouldntchangeathing #designergenes #lifeisbetterwithyou #homiewithanextrachromie #chromosomallyenhanced #notspecialneedsjusthumanneeds #inclusion
RT #wouldntchangeathing
Many thanks to @westlifemusic for getting behind our World Down Syndrome Day campaign!
If you’ve not seen this year’s video, it’s our pinned tweet! Help us share our message of what inclusion means in the run up to #WDSD22
#InclusionMeans #DownSyndrome #WouldntChangeAThing
:sys_twitter: https://twitter.com/Wouldntchangea1/status/1505272930418270221
#wouldntchangeathing #WDSD22 #InclusionMeans #DownSyndrome