It’s #rainy and #dreary outside, yet the first song to come to mind is by the #BeachBoys.
🎶Wouldn't it be nice if we could wake up
In the morning when the day is new?
After having spent the day together
Hold each other close the whole night through🎶
#WouldntItBeNice #HaveANiceDay #SingASong #SingAlong #music #sing #happy
#happy #sing #music #singalong #singasong #haveaniceday #wouldntitbenice #BeachBoys #Dreary #rainy
Listening to a money podcast talking to someone about how they keep their food #budget low with 3 kids. I shit you not the answer is they have a large established garden, chickens & a chest freezer for the bulk half cows they buy. That’s not *money saving* 🙄 #wouldntitbenice #CostOfLiving
#budget #wouldntitbenice #costofliving
This would be soooooo much easier if the rest of the World was just like me.
#Observations #SaidNoOneEver #Sarcasm #WouldntItBeNice
#observations #saidnooneever #sarcasm #wouldntitbenice
#wouldntItBeNice if every #manufacturer was required to include the cost of #cleanup in their products? #environment
#wouldntitbenice #manufacturer #cleanup #environment