Jesper · @JesperLundberg
8 followers · 182 posts · Server

Starship troopers is a good movie.

#wouldyouliketoknowmore #movie

Last updated 1 year ago

Thorkson Ericsson :donor: · @thorkson
173 followers · 30 posts · Server

So why this ?

Well, if you go to a and don't have much experience to brag about.

Take your "private" project and describe what and why you did. (As I did with this introduction)

It helps us (the ) with:
- understanding how you communicate problems / solutions ( , )
- understanding how do you deal with challenges while
- understand or at least narrow down the level of your
- just to name few aspects...

Of course it all depends on the kind of job you are applying for.

The interview from my first post was something in between:

It is very common mistake, that for jobs you have to have like 100 0days on your CV, submitting like 1000 CVEs on average in a year and be top 1% on hackerone.

This might be true if you are working alone or certain kinds of three letter agencies but in the average company it is not the case.

You can not and you will not know everything by yourself! You will have to depend on your therefore and the ability to describe, communicate and solve problems also the ability to deal with unknowns are most important.


#introdcution #jobinterview #interviewers #communication #communicationskills #solvingproblems #technological #expertise #cybersecurity #penetrationtesting #redteam #cybersec #team #teamwork #wouldyouliketoknowmore

Last updated 2 years ago