Why We Need Wound Experts For Pressure Ulcer Treatment

Pressure ulcers, also known as bedsores, are a common problem among individuals who are confined to a bed or chair for prolonged periods, such as patients in hospitals or nursing homes. These wounds can be extremely painful and may even lead to severe health complications.

Visit us: woundcaresurgeons.org/pressure

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Last updated 2 years ago

Things To Know Before Going For Diabetic Wound Care Treatment

Diabetic wounds can be caused by a variety of factors such as poor circulation, nerve damage, and high blood sugar levels. It is important to maintain good blood sugar control to prevent the development of diabetic wounds.

Visit us: woundcaresurgeons.org/diabetic

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Last updated 2 years ago

What Are The Symptoms Of A Leg Ulcer?

A leg ulcer is simply a deep break, injury, or open wound in the skin or membranes of the legs which takes a longer time to heal, for example, 3 to 4 months, and requires advanced medical care & attention.

These are common in people who are old-aged or are bedridden for a long time as it is a result of poor blood circulation.

Read more: woundcaresurgeons.edublogs.org

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Last updated 2 years ago