@francesdanger @RitchieTorres @potus
This needs to be a congressional priority for 2023...Remove the Stain Act #woundedknee #woundedkneemassacre #genocide #congress #GenocideAwareness #Congressional #2023calendar #NewYearGoals #newyear
"We've been asking for years. The Remove the Stain Act, which would rescind the Medals of Honor for the Wounded Knee Massacre, is stalled"
#woundedknee #woundedkneemassacre #genocide #congress #genocideawareness #Congressional #2023calendar #newyeargoals #newyear
RT @LakotaMan1@twitter.com
If this child was strong enough to survive the Native American genocide, then non-Native students should be strong enough to learn about it in school. Agree? #WoundedKneeMassacre
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/LakotaMan1/status/1608480438015897603
RT @LakotaMan1
If this child was strong enough to survive the Native American genocide, then non-Native students should be strong enough to learn about it in school. Agree? #WoundedKneeMassacre
RT @LakotaMan1@twitter.com
If this child was strong enough to survive the Native American genocide, then non-Native students should be strong enough to learn about it in school. Agree? #WoundedKneeMassacre
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/LakotaMan1/status/1608480438015897603
RT @uzora5
Am 29. 12.1890 töten Soldaten des 7. US-Kavallerieregiments Männer, Frauen und Kinder der Minneconjou-Lakota-Sioux-Indianer unter Häuptling Spotted Elk bei Wounded Knee. Das Massaker bricht den den letzten Widerstand der Native Americans gegen die Weißen. #WoundedKneeMassacre
Am 29. 12.1890 töten Soldaten des 7. US-Kavallerieregiments Männer, Frauen und Kinder der Minneconjou-Lakota-Sioux-Indianer unter Häuptling Spotted Elk bei Wounded Knee. Das Massaker bricht den den letzten Widerstand der Native Americans gegen die Weißen. #WoundedKneeMassacre
RT @bright_moments@twitter.com
on this day in 1890, innocent men, women, and children were slaughtered at Čhaŋkpé Ópi Wakpála by the united states government. they viewed them as "strange, inferior, and threatening". remember them today and offer prayers in their names:
#woundedkneemassacre #woundedknee
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/bright_moments/status/1608500248552574976
#woundedknee #woundedkneemassacre
RT @uzora5
Am 29. 12.1890 töten Soldaten des 7. US-Kavallerieregiments Männer, Frauen und Kinder der Minneconjou-Lakota-Sioux-Indianer unter Häuptling Spotted Elk bei Wounded Knee. Das Massaker bricht den den letzten Widerstand der Native Americans gegen die Weißen. #WoundedKneeMassacre
RT @LakotaMan1@twitter.com
If this child was strong enough to survive the Native American genocide, then non-Native students should be strong enough to learn about it in school. Agree? #WoundedKneeMassacre
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/LakotaMan1/status/1608480438015897603
Heather Cox Richardson #woundedkneemassacre #woundedknee https://open.substack.com/pub/heathercoxrichardson/p/december-28-2022?r=1pt21&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post
#woundedknee #woundedkneemassacre
Heather Cox Richardson #woundedkneemassacre #woundedknee https://open.substack.com/pub/heathercoxrichardson/p/december-28-2022?r=1pt21&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post
#woundedknee #woundedkneemassacre
On 29th December 1890, the US military murdered over 250 Lakota men, women and children.
Wounded Knee Massacre by Oscar Howe
#woundedkneemassacre #woundedknee
#OTD 29.12.1890 #WoundedKneeMassacre 🪶💔Honor the fallen. https://twitter.com/LakotaMan1/status/1608303083360260096
RT @Letnapark@twitter.com
29.12.1890 #WoundedKneeMassacre -
Ein Ausrottungsfeldzug
Mehr als 350 Indigene vom Stamm der #Lakota - #Sioux werden bei Wounded Knee, South Dakota von weißen US-Truppen getötet.
s. Dee #Brown, Begrabt mein Herz an der Biegung des Flusses / Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, 1970
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Letnapark/status/1608365462383128576
#woundedkneemassacre #lakota #sioux #brown
RT @FrancesMFDanger
CW: Native genocide
Today is the anniversary of the largest mass shooting in American history, Wounded Knee, a massacre on December 29, 1890 that has been relegated to history as a "battle". 🧵
#rememberwoundedknee #woundedkneemassacre #woundedknee
Honor the fallen. #WoundedKneeMassacre
The items being returned are just a tiny fraction of an estimated 870,000 Native American artifacts — including nearly 110,000 human remains — in the possession of the nation’s most prestigious colleges, museums and even the federal government that under federal law are supposed to be returned to the tribes
#Lakota #Sioux #artifacts #WoundedKneeMassacre 1990 #NAGPRA
#FoundersMuseum #PineRidge
#pineridge #foundersmuseum #nagpra #woundedkneemassacre #artifacts #sioux #lakota