Elon Musk lancia una nuova azienda di AI, xAI
#ElonMusk, il noto #imprenditore miliardario, quello che aveva scritto una lettera assieme a Steve #Wozniak di fermare le #AI, ha lanciato mercoledì 12 luglio la sua startup di #intelligenza #artificiale (#AI) #xAI, da lungo tempo annunciata.
#redhotcyber #online #it #web #ai #hacking #privacy #cybersecurity #cybercrime #intelligence #intelligenzaartificiale #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #cybersecurityawareness #cybersecuritytraining #cybersecuritynews #infosecurity
#elonmusk #imprenditore #wozniak #ai #intelligenza #artificiale #xai #redhotcyber #online #it #web #hacking #privacy #cybersecurity #cybercrime #intelligence #intelligenzaartificiale #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #CyberSecurityAwareness #cybersecuritytraining #CyberSecurityNews #infosecurity
Thanks to this upgrade the fan in my Kensington System really blows!
Watch my latest video on this upgrade for my Apple IIGS!
#Comair #Kensington #Apple #appleIIGS #woz #Retro #RetroComputing #upgrade #fan #cooling #Wozniak #appleII
#appleii #wozniak #cooling #fan #upgrade #retrocomputing #retro #woz #appleiigs #apple #kensington #comair
#wozniak #tesla #ai Steve Wozniak: If You Want to Learn About AI Killing People, "Get a Tesla"
Interesting comment:
"I actually believed those things [about Tesla cars], and it’s not even close to reality. And boy, if you want to study of of A.I. gone wrong and taking a lot of claims and trying to kill you every chance it can, get a Tesa!"
-- Steve Wozniak on CNN 2-May-2023
The other days I was searching New Zealand and Australians computer mags looking for an ad for a particular computer. In doing so, I discovered an interesting interview with Steve Wozniak from 1985. Enjoy. https://computeradsfromthepast.substack.com/p/new-zealand-bits-and-bytes-interview #apple #wozniak #retrocomputing
#apple #wozniak #retrocomputing
Gli esperti di AI rispondono alla lettera aperta di Elon Musk, Steve Wozniak e Andrew Yang
Un gruppo di #esperti nel campo dell’etica dell’#AI ha risposto alla lettera Future of Life, firmata da circa un migliaio di #esperti, tra cui Elon #Musk, Steve #Wozniak e Andrew Yang.
Gli autori di questa risposta erano scettici sulla proposta di una “moratoria” di sei mesi sullo sviluppo dell’AI e sull’#addestramento di #sistemi che superano la #potenza di #GPT4.
#redhotcyber #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #hacking #cybersecurity #cybercrime #cybersecurityawareness #cybersecuritytraining #cybersecuritynews #privacy #infosecurity
#esperti #ai #musk #wozniak #addestramento #sistemi #potenza #gpt4 #redhotcyber #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #hacking #cybersecurity #cybercrime #CyberSecurityAwareness #cybersecuritytraining #CyberSecurityNews #privacy #infosecurity
🚨✋ AI Pause Petition: Over 2800 signatories, including Elon Musk & Steve Wozniak, are urging a 6-month halt on AI experiments more powerful than GPT-4. Is it time to reflect on potential risks & effects of AI? https://futureoflife.org/open-letter/pause-giant-ai-experiments/ #AI #Petition #ResponsibleAI #ElonMusk #Wozniak
#AI #petition #responsibleAI #ElonMusk #wozniak
1er avril 1976 : Steve #Wozniak et Steve #Jobs lancent l'Apple I, le premier ordinateur Apple #histoire #cejourla #invention
#wozniak #jobs #histoire #cejourla #invention
Elon Musk e Steve Wozniak invitano i laboratori di AI a sospendere l’addestramento di sistemi più potenti di GPT-4
Più di mille personalità e specialisti famosi, tra cui Elon #Musk e Steve #Wozniak, hanno firmato una lettera aperta.
Tale lettera invita tutti i laboratori di #intelligenza #artificiale (#AI) a sospendere l’#addestramento di #sistemi di #intelligenza #artificiale (#AI) più potenti del GPT-4.
#redhotcyber #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #hacking #cybersecurity #cybercrime #cybersecurityawareness #cybersecuritytraining #cybersecuritynews #privacy #infosecurity
#musk #wozniak #intelligenza #artificiale #ai #addestramento #sistemi #redhotcyber #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #hacking #cybersecurity #cybercrime #CyberSecurityAwareness #cybersecuritytraining #CyberSecurityNews #privacy #infosecurity
"Elon #Musk joins call for pause in creation of giant AI ‘digital minds’ Steve #Wozniak and #DeepMind, #Meta, #Miscrosoft, #Google and #Amazon engineers raise alert over risks as #UK government shuns regulation
“Recent months have seen #AI labs locked in an out-of-control race to develop and deploy ever more powerful digital minds that no one – not even their creators – can understand, predict, or reliably control,” the letter says. “Powerful AI systems should be developed only once we are confident that their effects will be positive and their risks will be manageable.”
#musk #wozniak #deepmind #meta #miscrosoft #Google #amazon #uk #ai #artificialintelligence #gpt #GPT4 #government #regulation
In einem offenen Brief wenden sich über 1000 Expert:innen für eine sofortige Unterbrechung der Weiterentwicklung von #KI, darunter auch Prominente wie #Apple Mitbegründer #Wozniak und #twitter Besitzer #Musk.
Der offene Brief kann hier unterzeichnet werden:
#ai #kunstlicheintelligenz #musk #twitter #wozniak #apple #ki
Apparently both #Musk and #Wozniak (among others) support this - but would anyone expect that #Tencent, #Alibaba & Co would actually "pause for at least 6 months the training of #AI systems"?
This is non-starter! #openai
#musk #wozniak #TenCent #alibaba #ai #openai
I dunno about a lot of people but I’ve always preferred Wozniak over Jobs since he’s mostly better. Jobs may have brought us the #iMac #G3 and #iPhone but I often hear stuff about how he isn’t the greatest person, so who do you prefer? Let’s be nice and civil here
#poll #woz #wozniak #stevewozniak #SteveJobs #apple #iphone #g3 #imac
Steve #Wozniak used to tip from printed sheets of $2 bills
Mastodon may be billed as an exit strategy for Twitter, but it could serve as a Facebook alternative too. I've certainly spent less time on Facebook since joining Mastodon.
CNBC: "Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak: Get off Facebook"
#Wozniak #Facebook