Untitled photo, possibly related to: Family of six in tent after supper. Came to potato harvest after father was laid off of #WPAWorkProjectsAdministration) in #Boise, #Idaho. Oldest child is twelve. Little boy has dysentery. #Merrill, #KlamathCounty, #Oregon. In #FSAFarmSecurityAdministration) mobile unit
#wpaworkprojectsadministration #boise #idaho #merrill #klamathcounty #oregon #fsafarmsecurityadministration
Untitled photo, possibly related to: Family of six in tent after supper. Came to potato harvest after father was laid off of #WPAWorkProjectsAdministration) in #Boise, #Idaho. Oldest child is twelve. Little boy has dysentery. #Merrill, #KlamathCounty, #Oregon. In #FSAFarmSecurityAdministration) mobile unit
#wpaworkprojectsadministration #boise #idaho #merrill #klamathcounty #oregon #fsafarmsecurityadministration
Untitled photo, possibly related to: Family of six in tent after supper. Came to potato harvest after father was laid off of #WPAWorkProjectsAdministration) in #Boise, #Idaho. Oldest child is twelve. Little boy has dysentery. #Merrill, #KlamathCounty, #Oregon. In #FSAFarmSecurityAdministration) mobile unit
#wpaworkprojectsadministration #boise #idaho #merrill #klamathcounty #oregon #fsafarmsecurityadministration
The new #WPAWorkProjectsAdministration) courthouse alongside the old county courthouse. #BonnersFerry, #Idaho. See general caption 49
#wpaworkprojectsadministration #bonnersferry #idaho
Native #Texas tenant farmer. Near #Goodliet, #Texas. Aged seventy; seventeen years on the same farm. Is to be "tractored out" at the end of 1938. One son has been tractored out and has been on #WPAWorkProjectsAdministration) for two years. Another son was tractored out in 1937. Has moved to town and remains temporarily off relief by selling his livestock. "What are my boys going to do? It's not a question of what they're going to do. It's a question of what they're going to have to do. They're not any up there in #Congress but what are big landowners and they're going to see that the program is in their interest. As long as the government is paying the landowner more to let the land out than they make by renting it, they won't rent it."
#texas #goodliet #wpaworkprojectsadministration #congress
Mr. #Roberts saying, "They're on #WPAWorkProjectsAdministration) and I'm out here." #MalheurCounty, #Oregon. General caption number 73
#roberts #wpaworkprojectsadministration #malheurcounty #oregon
Lunchtime for young migrants at #ShafterCamp, #California. The nursery school for migrant children is conducted in camp under nursery school teachers trained by #WPAWorkProjectsAdministration), and assigned to work in the camp under #WPA) project
#shaftercamp #california #wpaworkprojectsadministration #wpa
Family of six in tent after supper. Came to potato harvest after father was laid off of #WPAWorkProjectsAdministration) in #Boise, #Idaho. Oldest child is twelve. Little boy has dysentery. #Merrill, #KlamathCounty, #Oregon. In #FSAFarmSecurityAdministration) mobile unit
#wpaworkprojectsadministration #boise #idaho #merrill #klamathcounty #oregon #fsafarmsecurityadministration
Families are left stranded without means of support when the lumber mill "cuts out." This family lives on a cut-over area. The mill has closed, and the father does #WPAWorkProjectsAdministration) work. Near Kiln, #Mississippi
#wpaworkprojectsadministration #mississippi