Hadn't done a #monkeytype test in a while, and looks like my #ColemakDH #wpm is up to 56!! And with 95% accuracy. Pretty happy with the (gradual) progress.
Hadn't tested (or updated) in awhile, but my #ColemakDH #wpm continues to climb! Today I hit 57 wpm (with 94% accuracy...because my mind wandered...).
Definitely pleased with the gradual climb!
Not bad for a #MagicKeyboard on the #iPad!
#magickeyboard #ipad #typing #wordsperminute #wpm
If someone reads a novel quickly, say 800wpm, are they #reading for #pleasure? Is there a point at which the #brain gathers #information without #processing the #emotion? Or how does the brain handle processing conflicting emotions that flit past without maturing simply because the #wpm requires the brain to process new information? #whiplash
#reading #pleasure #brain #information #processing #emotion #wpm #whiplash
30 #wpm on the typing test today. Seems like I'm starting to trip up and make some mistakes that are slowing me down, so I'm hoping that's a sign that I've internalised it a bit and am becoming more natural.
I always have this when I drive in a foreign country - first couple of days are great as I'm really focused on it, but there's a bit of a dip on days 3 and 4 as I make the change to doing it without thinking.
Wpm - Measure Your Typing Speed From Terminal #wpm #Python #TypingTester #CLI #Linux #Opensource
#OpenSource #Linux #CLI #TypingTester #Python #wpm