I hope this is enough flare.
Taken for Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day using a Flyer 6x6 camera with Plus-X film (expired 2009). #WPPD #BelieveInFilm
Developed and scanned the roll of Plus-X I shot during yesterday’s pinhole adventure. There are a few decent shots on there that I’ll post soon. Nothing breathtaking, but these photo challenges are always a good incentive to get out and take some photos. #WPPD #BelieveInFilm
We mostly stopped at typical tourist pull-offs, but I did scramble off the beaten path for a couple of pinholes that Grandma couldn't reach. #FoothillsParkway #WPPD
On my blog: a contribution to Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day.
#Blog #ZenMischief #PinholePhotography #WPPD #Photography
#blog #ZenMischief #pinholephotography #wppd #photography
Took the terraPin Kaiju out for a spin today. #wppd is coming up soon. I’ve got to exercise those #pinholecamera muscles #believeinfilm
#believeinfilm #pinholecamera #wppd
Bin erst heute dazu gekommen, meine Lochkamerafotos vom #pinholeday am 24. April einzuscannen. Durch die lange Belichtungszeit verschmieren die Zeiger der Uhr. #wppd #filmphotography
#filmphotography #wppd #pinholeday
#wppd #pinhole #photography #mft #pinholeday2018 #pinholeday https://mastodon.cloud/media/BwBVmfkP-oQV2jIJb-M https://mastodon.cloud/media/XHCbpu4Gu__K4tIGHsg https://mastodon.cloud/media/zdJ4PxXGGYhu_neMPT8
#wppd #pinhole #photography #pinholeday2018 #pinholeday