WWW #22 – Wöchentliche WordPress Weblinks
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Freitag und gutes Wetter - und vielleicht noch ein Brückentag dazu. Das heisst gemütlich draussen sitzen, sich ein Kaltgetränk gönnen und evtl. unsere News lesen, deren Impu…
#WordPress #WWW #Cwicly #GenerativeAI #Google #GPTEverest #GravityForms #Greenshift #Jetpack #JetpackAI #LeoSkull #Newsletter #WordPress #WPPlugins #WPFunnels #WWW #Zepier
#wordpress #www #cwicly #generativeai #google #gpteverest #gravityforms #greenshift #jetpack #jetpackai #leoskull #newsletter #wpplugins #wpfunnels #zepier
Absolutely could not have gotten the #Wordpress #plugin "Shortcode Mastodon Feeds" to anything close to a releasable version without @opendna.
And, with many thanks to him for his efforts, there it is ready to be installed.
Gotta pretty up the plugin page, but it works and is visible in demo on https://andrewleahey.com
#WordPress #plugin #wpdevs #wpplugins
#Hackers exploit bug in WordPress gift card plugin with 50K installs
#hackers #wordpress #php #wpplugins #wordpressdev
Hey #wordpress folks, @opendna has been very generously contributing to the humble Mastodon post-display #WP #plugin I threw up on #github.
If you have the time and ability, and any thoughts, please feel free to contribute. I think (paraphrasing @opendna here) it fills a need a lot of folks have been looking for.
#WordPress #wp #plugin #github #development #wpplugins #php
Last blog of 2022. Here's how to update a WordPress footer year to 2023 at the stroke of midnight. #WPplugins https://5starplugins.com/how-to-add-a-dynamic-copyright-year-to-the-wordpress-footer/
Let me know
RT @JenuHani
I can develop non-WordPress or WordPress based websites. Let me know if you require one.
#html #css #flex #grid #javascript #python
#PHP #WordPress #wordpresswebsite
#wordpressplugins #wordpressthemes #wpthemes #wpplugins #blocks #gutenberg
#html #css #flex #grid #javascript #python #php #wordpress #wordpresswebsite #wordpressplugins #wordpressthemes #wpthemes #wpplugins #blocks #gutenberg
I can develop non-WordPress or WordPress based websites. Let me know if you require one.
#html #css #flex #grid #javascript #python
#PHP #WordPress #wordpresswebsite
#wordpressplugins #wordpressthemes #wpthemes #wpplugins #blocks #gutenberg
#html #css #flex #grid #javascript #python #php #wordpress #wordpresswebsite #wordpressplugins #wordpressthemes #wpthemes #wpplugins #blocks #gutenberg