After a game of #MagetheAscension20thAnniversary set in the #GlastonburyFestival, I'll run #wraiththeoblivion20thanniversary set in the #EdinburghFestivalFringe. That will be my very 1st time running (and for that matter, "playing") #WraiththeOblivion after discovering this game way back in 1994. Needless to say I'm excited! #ttrpg #rpg @TheOnyxPath @roll20app #WhiteWolf #LETOGames #WorldofDarkness #jdr
#jdr #WorldofDarkness #letogames #Whitewolf #rpg #ttrpg #wraiththeoblivion #edinburghfestivalfringe #wraiththeoblivion20thanniversary #glastonburyfestival #magetheascension20thanniversary
After a game of #MagetheAscension20thAnniversary set in the #GlastonburyFestival, I'll run #wraiththeoblivion20thanniversary set in the #EdinburghFestivalFringe. That will be my very 1st time running (and for that matter, "playing") #WraiththeOblivion after discovering this game way back in 1994. Needless to say I'm excited! #ttrpg #rpg @TheOnyxPath @roll20app #WhiteWolf #LETOGames #WorldofDarkness #jdr
#magetheascension20thanniversary #glastonburyfestival #wraiththeoblivion20thanniversary #edinburghfestivalfringe #wraiththeoblivion #ttrpg #rpg #whitewolf #letogames #worldofdarkness #jdr
💫 Euthanatos: Rotes Dealing with Wraiths by Everitt Long. #magetheascension #euthanatos #chakravanti #worldofdarkness #wraiththeoblivion
#magetheascension #euthanatos #chakravanti #worldofdarkness #wraiththeoblivion
#RPG Freebies, Sales, and Charity Bundles for May 21, 2023 - #TTRPG discounts and giveaways for #DnD #5e #OSR #Pathfinder #BattleTech #VampireTheMasquerade #WorldOfDarkness #WraithTheOblivion and a whole lot more!
#rpg #ttrpg #DnD #5e #osr #pathfinder #battletech #vampirethemasquerade #worldofdarkness #wraiththeoblivion
Splats Club is still accepting new members! Do you love the #WorldOfDarkness? Do you love to shitpost? Why not enjoy both with your very own WoD shitposting account? You can choose your own story, whether that's #VampireTheMasquerade, #WerewolfTheApocalypse, #MageTheAscension, #ChangelingTheDreaming, #WraithTheOblivion, or something more far afield. Sign up and we'll get you approved to join the fun!
#worldofdarkness #vampirethemasquerade #werewolftheapocalypse #magetheascension #changelingthedreaming #wraiththeoblivion
I'll be honest, I don't have 5 last games I've run, since I've basically got #dnd5e and #mutantsandmasterminds and that's it.
For played, it's just been #dnd5e of late.
So minor modification for me:
Five games I'd like to run next:
Five games I'd like to play next:
#dnd5e #mutantsandmasterminds #VampireTheMasquerade #changelingthedreaming #lighthearted #pathfinder2e #wraiththeoblivion #callofcthulhu
Last 5 GMed
Current 5 playing (actually 6)
Next 5
#callofcthulhu #PowersAndPerils #traveller #StarFrontiers #cyborg #NeoClassicalGeekRevival #HeroesOfOlympus #empireofthepetalthrone #dnd5e #TalesOfTheIronLeague #WarhammerFantasyRoleplay1e #wraiththeoblivion #MorkBorg #b #TopSecret #5and5 #ttrpg
"But first, lemmie take a Shelfie"
What's on your nerdy book shelves?
#ttrpg #ttrpgs #ttrpgrising #worldofdarkness #werewolftheapocalypse #vampirethemasquerade #demonthefallen #mummytheresurrection #changlingthedreaming #magetheascension #wraiththeoblivion #hunterthereckoning #dnd #dnd5e #dungeonsanddragons #criticalrole #critters #StarWars #warhammer #warhammercommunity #geek #geeky #nerd #nerdy
#nerdy #nerd #geeky #geek #warhammercommunity #warhammer #StarWars #critters #criticalrole #dungeonsanddragons #dnd5e #DND #hunterthereckoning #wraiththeoblivion #magetheascension #changlingthedreaming #mummytheresurrection #demonthefallen #vampirethemasquerade #werewolftheapocalypse #worldofdarkness #ttrpgrising #ttrpgs #ttrpg