Climate Loss & Damage: What Gaps Will the New Fund Fill?
#World #Environment #ClimateChange #COP27 #COP28 #LossAndDamage #LossAndDamageFund #TransitionalCommittee #UNFCCC #WRI
#world #environment #climatechange #Cop27 #COP28 #lossanddamage #lossanddamagefund #transitionalcommittee #unfccc #wri
#Ucraina: revocare tutte le accuse contro Vitaly #Alekseenko
L’Ufficio europeo per l’obiezione di coscienza (#EBCO), War Resisters’ International (#WRI), International Fellowship of Reconciliation (#IFOR) e Connection e.V. (Germania) considerano la condanna dell’obiettore di coscienza Vitaly Alekseenko una palese violazione del suo diritto alla libertà di pensiero, coscienza e religione, garantito dall’articolo 18 del Patto internazionale sui diritti civili e politici.
#IFOR #wri #EBCO #Alekseenko #ucraina
There are some that want power
No matter at ŵhat cost.
And many innocent peoples,
Lives will be lost.
Let’s all live in a world,
Where everyone is kind.
Before an eye for an eye,
Makes us all blind.
A world without hate,
Instead kindness and love.
A world full of beauty,
Like the wings of a dove.
To end all wars,
There is only one thing to do.
Every soldier in this world,
Should break their rifle in two.
Extract from Broken Rifle by Michael Roan
#wri #ahimsa #nonviolence #peace
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@gregdt 🔗
Sortie récente du Gap Emission Report ( et le State of Climate Action 2022 publié par le #WRI (
Que disent ils?
- que les politiques mises en place nous emmènent vers 2.8 degrés de réchauffement d'ici 2100
- que les émissions n'ont toujours pas commencé à diminuer (elles sont en hausse de 2% sur les 8 premiers mois de 2022 par rapport à 2021
- qu'aucun secteur n'est sur une trajectoire compatible […]
Google and World Resources Institute launched Dynamic World, a web app providing near real-time land cover data at a ten-meter resolution. Can be useful for scientific and political purposes and is interesting to explore. Doesn't quite work on mobile though. #googleearth #dynamicworld #google #wri
#googleearth #dynamicworld #google #wri