Today's unexpected #RabbitHole was the Straw Hat Riot of 1922. Completely outside the scope of my WiP, but how can you resist a link like that?
#rabbithole #research #writerbrain
Me: Hrm, social history brain, can I legit use the term "middle class" in this scenario?
Rabbit Hole: Come, fall down me! It'll be fun!
Me, an hour later: So the answer was yes but no, and if I really want to make the point aI need to refer to them as petite bourgeoisie and that will derail the scene entirely goddamnit Engels.
#writerbrain #LSIStrikesAgain (that last hashtag will only mean anything if you went to Skidmore College in the 80's)
Story was not working, no matter how I reworked the draft. Deadline was approaching. Writer was Stressing.
Woke up at 2am because dog had to pee (thanks, dog), had sudden thought: what if protag isn’t [redacted]?
But protag has ALWAYS, in my mind, been [redacted]!
Yes. But what if no?
(Thanks, dog.)
So when I was very little my sister came home with an LP called Olias of Sunhillow by Jon Anderson. It was the most beautiful thing is ever seen and the most magical thing is ever heard and suffice to say that had quite the effect on my future interests. Just found it online so I'm loving every second of it again. And yes it is still super weird. And so beautiful. #fantasy #WriterBrain #ProgRock #inspriation
#fantasy #writerbrain #progrock #inspriation
Ich bin mir aktuell am überlegen, um die Welt meiner Geschichte besser zu beschreiben, eine Art Weltkarte, Stadtkarte zu designen/erstellen. Vielleicht könnte ich diese Karte, auch ins Buch packen. Wäre bestimmt auch was für die Leser/innen.
#autor_innenleben #writerbubble #writerbrain #Mappdesign #Weltkarten
#autor_innenleben #writerbubble #writerbrain #mappdesign #Weltkarten
Work out the plot in advance they said. It'll be easier they said. Stupid sub plot has turned up and I have no idea where that's coming from or going. Just interfering with the main plot and dangling there. Still reached 40k. #WIP #writing #WriterBrain
Hit 27,000 words on #damnitFran and hate it with a sad depressed hatred. Which, based on past history and extensive study of #writerbrain, means I'm just past the mid-point of the story.
Back on track for 40K. #Patreon
#patreon #writerbrain #damnitfran