LitFest In The Dena is a literary festival in the Pasadena Area. Poet Laureate Wendy Van Camp is joined by speculative poets to read their original poetry. We are scheduled to appear in the Mountain View Mausoleum at 2pm.
Neil Citril
Denise Dumars
Jean-Paul L. Garnier
Leanne Kathleen Ingino
Poet Laureate Wendy Van Camp
#poetryreading #writersconnection #poetry #poetrycommunity #spokenword #writingcommunity #litfest2023 #litfestinthedena #sfpoetry #speculative #speculativepoetry
#poetryreading #writersconnection #poetry #poetrycommunity #spokenword #writingcommunity #litfest2023 #litfestinthedena #sfpoetry #speculative #speculativepoetry