Obligatory highway pic at the start of a road trip lol.
Hubs & I are escaping the city to a place I'm kinda ashamed to say I've never visited, Dildo. Yeah, you read that right. I'm spending a week in Dildo, NL. It's only an hour outside town and I've never actually stopped in. Time to rectify that. For a place rented for the week that's right on the ocean🥰.
And I've got a fun shirt story idea I'm hoping to flesh out.
#vacation #randr #summer #writersofnewfoundland #yyt #Dildo #aroundthebay
#vacation #randr #summer #writersofnewfoundland #yyt #dildo #aroundthebay
On the way home, stopped into @stonejug1860 for brunch with dah hubs. So. Many. Waffles. Lol. I feel like a hobbit, and this is second breakfast and elevenses all in one lol. To go box it is!
#summer #writersofnewfoundland #writerlife #adventure #yyt #writingretreat
#summer #writersofnewfoundland #writerlife #adventure #yyt #writingretreat
Happy Monday! 😬
What are your plans for the week? Mine? Keep resting and recovering. I will try to find a few minutes here and there to write, but I've got my kids' baby shower coming up, so I need to get all the rest I can!
#writingcommunity #writersofnewfoundland #writerslife #monday #yyt
#writingcommunity #writersofnewfoundland #writerslife #Monday #yyt
When you're helping your kid move, but you're disabled so you can't actually do stuff, you get put on truck watching duty. This means it's time to read!
#writingcommunity #amreading #amreadingfairytales #storytime #movingday #yyt #writersofnewfoundland #readers #booktime #readersofmastodon
#writingcommunity #amreading #amreadingfairytales #storytime #movingday #yyt #writersofnewfoundland #readers #booktime #readersofmastodon
Day 2 of Camp @nanowrimo! Let's see if I can match yesterday's word count of 2041!
#bookstagram #books #writingcommunity #writerslife #campnanowrimo #yyt #SOTM #supernatural #yyt #writersofnewfoundland #canadianauthor
#bookstagram #Books #writingcommunity #writerslife #campnanowrimo #yyt #sotm #supernatural #writersofnewfoundland #canadianauthor
Another Sunday, another writing date. Revisions for Sister's of the Myst are going strong. I've gotten some good ideas and this will be the first book of a trilogy I think.
#SistersoftheMyst #writingcommunity #writersofnewfoundland #yyt #amrevisingsupernatural #norsemythology
#sistersofthemyst #writingcommunity #writersofnewfoundland #yyt #amrevisingsupernatural #NorseMythology
I'll be writing once "tech support" finishes with my laptop lol
#amwriting #HubbyTechSupport #nanowrimo #amrevisingsupernatural #yyt #writersofnewfoundland #writingcommunity
#amwriting #HubbyTechSupport #nanowrimo #amrevisingsupernatural #yyt #writersofnewfoundland #writingcommunity