If you want to know why I love Tom Cox's writing so much, this is an excellent example of what he does. In a single piece, we get writing about place, about the act of writing, about people and folklore, all opening up windows on and avenues through a bigger, more expansive world of possibilities. It's delicious.
#writing #WritersOnWriting #folklore #TomCox #substack #architecture #landscape #place #MRJames #VioletteSzabo #history
#writing #writersonwriting #folklore #tomcox #substack #architecture #landscape #place #mrjames #violetteszabo #history
I just published 5 Essential Tips to Elevate Your Copywriting Skills https://link.medium.com/RKutpQZXqBb
#WritingCommunity #writing #copywriting #copywritersunite #writersonwriting #writingtips #freelance #freelancing #freelancers
#writingcommunity #writing #copywriting #copywritersunite #writersonwriting #writingtips #freelance #freelancing #freelancers
The influential poet and writer @conniesongwriter returns to TTO with a look into #Medium writers.
#medium #writing #topwriters #lifelessons #writersonwriting #thetaoistonline
The influential poet and writer @conniesongwriter returns to TTO with a look into #Medium writers.
#medium #writing #topwriters #lifelessons #writersonwriting #thetaoistonline
My review on the audiobook of this classic novel from Truman Capote.
#bookreview #fiction #Writersonwriting #writing #trumancapote #breakfastattiffanys #reading
#bookreview #fiction #writersonwriting #writing #trumancapote #breakfastattiffanys #reading
Why, how, and what makes me write? Answers to another writing prompt.
#Writing #writingprompts #writerslife #writingchallenge #Writersonwriting #writer #muse #inspiration #creative
#writing #writingprompts #writerslife #writingchallenge #writersonwriting #writer #muse #inspiration #creative
https://medium.com/@sherryabriscoe FOLLOW ME on #Medium.com for insights into the writing and indie-publishing universe. Be a fan of great #storytelling and get valuable tips on #writing #fiction, #authorlife #creativewriting #indieauthor #selfpub #writer #writersonwriting #writingadvice #writingcommunity #writinglife #writingtips #ghoststories #murder #monsters #magic #witches #sherrybriscoe.com
Be sure to click the little envelope too! Thank you!
#medium #storytelling #writing #fiction #authorlife #creativewriting #indieauthor #selfpub #writer #writersonwriting #writingadvice #writingcommunity #writinglife #writingtips #ghoststories #murder #monsters #magic #witches #sherrybriscoe
Just finished Haruki Murakami’s _Novelist as a Vocation_. 3 impressions:
- I always appreciate insights into an artist’s process. This book goes even further, suppling insights into the author’s mindset.
- Interesting to hear from an author who writers novels mostly for himself, without worrying overmuch about how the work will be received by others.
- Some of his digressions are rich and insightful; some wander a bit far from the topic at hand.
#booksofmastodon #writersonwriting
#BookReview #WritingLife #writersonWriting #books
My novel “The Power of Rain” is now live on Reedsy Discovery. Have a look and “Upvote” it. Readers say it is a “page turner” .
#bookreview #writinglife #writersonwriting #books
(Another repost because it came up today)
Seanan McGuire on why fanfiction is so important: https://www.tor.com/2018/04/09/the-bodies-of-the-girls-who-made-me-fanfic-and-the-modern-world/
#WritersOnWriting #Fanfiction #EveryoneNeedsToSeeThemselves #Diversity
#writersonwriting #fanfiction #everyoneneedstoseethemselves #diversity
The Write Stuff 2019 is Live! https://www.lauraannegilman.net/the-write-stuff-2019-is-live/
#storybundle #writersonwriting