The angsty series I'm working on now is getting me down - I was planning to do some fun MMF menage romance next, but first I'm going to reward myself with a stupidly smutty road trip sex romp series starter for getting through all of this emotion, and maybe a dumb gangbang one shot! (It's a good series, I like the characters and situation, but the feels are just too ... feely. Why can't you people just fuck and have fun?) #writingerotica
I think my internet surfing is higher, but I'm gonna call it "research." on twitter and facebook. and instagram. and tumblr. and mastodon.
#writingromance #writingerotica #writing
The latest episode of my sexy serial, "Booked for Lust," about a sexed-up librarian, is out today!
This is the mood.
#writingerotica #erotic #erotica #writing