Missing the Door of Hope Writing Group today.
8 years of weekly writing.
Those experiencing homelessness + those housed.
I miss the camaraderie. And grieve those no longer with us. And I'm grateful for the long-term friendships. It's hitting hard today for some reason.

#writinggroups #writing #writingcommunity

Last updated 1 year ago

I finished a short story today that I wrote off a prompt I gave at 2nd Saturdays at 100 Men Hall. I never think ahead of time about my answer to prompts I bring. So my writing is fresh from the moment. This one came from (1) write everything you think you know about an object in the Hall (2) tell the story the object wants you to tell. The story flowed out of me, and now it has a title and theme. "Lava Brain." I like it.

#baystlouis #writingprompt #shortstories #writinggroups #writingcommunity

Last updated 1 year ago

Sarvin · @sarprvz
5 followers · 9 posts · Server screenwriting.space

"To help make connections: name 5-7 things that interest you but are not listed in your profile as tags so they are searchable, then boost this post or repeat its instructions so others can do the same"

#WritingWorkshops #writinggroups #bookrec #litmagsubmissions #ProsePoetry #FlashFiction

Last updated 1 year ago

Giving a workshop for professional PR folks was kind of different--they asked questions. Wanted advice. Then nodded at what I had to say.

#writingprompts #writinggroups #writingcommunity

Last updated 1 year ago

I don't think I've said that I'm Writer-in-Residence at 100 Men Hall in Bay St. Louis.We do extended writing sessions on Saturday mornings with mini-instruction, excerpts to illustrate the writing topic, and then two 30-minute writing sessions based on prompts with voluntary sharing afterwards. The Hall is a great historic site you can read about here.


#mississippi #writingprompt #writer #writing #writinggroups #writingcommunity

Last updated 2 years ago

Yes, I managed to work a reference to into my talk on Saturday.

In describing the funnel opening, I said I liked to think of the hard sentence at the end as the dot that makes the exclamation point. Like the exclamation point I nailed onto my house after "Oh, no!" as in "there goes Tokyo" for our Mardi Gras decorations last year.

I'm the master, yes I am. (Of course, I had to pause and say, Blue Oyster Cult)

#writer #writinggroups #writingcommunity #writing #godzilla

Last updated 2 years ago

Interesting article. What I learned in the 8 years I led a writing group of Memphians experiencing homelessness was that what policy folks thought was "affordable housing" had no relationship to what folks could actually afford.

#writinggroups #supportivehousing #solutions #affordablehousing #homelesspolicy #policy #endhomelessness #homelessness #homeless

Last updated 2 years ago

It doesn't happen quickly or easily, and there's a lot of luck in it, but I'm happily ensconced in the best writing group I've ever been in. Well, other than the Door of Hope Writing Group with writers who had experienced homelessness, but I don't expect that to be replicated.
(the way I've embedded the # on homelessness feels like a subliminal message...)

#writerslife #writers #authorsofmastodon #writersofmastodon #amwriting #writinggroups #endhomelessness #writingcommunity #writing #writer

Last updated 2 years ago

Sage Tyrtle · @sagetyrtle
524 followers · 351 posts · Server writing.exchange

Why are these flamingos indoors? Where did they come from? Where are they going? Wouldn't it be fun to find out what a bunch of other writers thought about those questions? Come play in Snow, my free online writing group. We write to prompts and then people who want to share their writing can, and people who don't want to? That's totally cool too. Register for free here: crowcollectiveworkshops.com/20

#crowcollective #WritingWorkshop #writinggroups #writinggroup #amwriting #writing #writingcommunity

Last updated 2 years ago

My writing group has settled into giving prompts. 4 of us Zoom once a month and read 2-5 pages the prompts created. I discovered I'm writing post-storm stories. Yes, Katrina, but also Camille, Ida, Isaac, Zeta. The storms are key to the action but in the background. I used prompts with the Door of Hope Writing Group, but I brought the prompts. This is different.

Is anyone else using writing prompts? Do you find they crack open something new?

#writingprompts #writinggroups #writingcommunity

Last updated 2 years ago

I'm stumbling through this new world but understand it's helpful to pin a post containing your interests (so this awkward explanation will forever be part of my pinned post...)
I like and post about in no particular order:

If I'm talking about personal reparations and anti-racism, you'll see Content Warnings

#absurdity #thumbprayers #sliceoflife #reparations #sports #writinggroups #literacy #vintage #bookreviews #writingcommunity #antiracism #memphis #swimming #nola #writing

Last updated 2 years ago

Off to lead a guided writing group this afternoon. We'll be practicing non-chronological telling. Bumping up two disparate things and letting the reader absorb the meaning. In looking back through my work, I see where most of my published CNF pieces are segmented. I guess that's why I'm focusing on it today. :)

#sundaywriting #essays #cnf #amwriting #writinggroups #writingcommunity

Last updated 2 years ago

The_Mr_Horne · @barryhorne
39 followers · 108 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

I've just started dabbling in writing fiction. Are there any other aspiring authors on here? For me it would be good to compare notes and perhaps critiques.

I'm also interested in 'joining' any online writing group - any recommendations?

If anyone's up for this you know where to find me 🙂

#writingfiction #author #writingcritique #writinggroups

Last updated 2 years ago

Sage Tyrtle · @sagetyrtle
376 followers · 131 posts · Server writing.exchange

"To help make connections: name 5-7 things that interest you but are not listed in your profile as tags so they are searchable, then boost this post or repeat its instructions so others can do the same"

#flashfiction #storyprompts #litmagsubmissions #litmags #writinggroups #WritingWorkshops

Last updated 2 years ago