When you were teen/young adult did you have a friend or peer who you idolized as just “so cool” — I’m talking if they cut their hair you wonder if you should do the same?
What ever happened to that person? Do you know?
Did they ever know how much you admired them?
(I’m working on a character dynamic that I feel like I almost understand— A kind lopsided friendship— Is it necessary to sort out romantic love from platonic love? I’m too bisexual to know.) #writing #writingQuestions
Hooray! It's time for this month's Patron Q&A video...& this time it comes with a sneaky ebook extra, since this month's fun question put me in the mood for it! Sign up to my Patreon at any level from $1/month upwards to watch: https://www.patreon.com/posts/patron-q-march-80078823
Scary Thought: is writing a novel the equivalent of putting all your eggs in one basket?
#NovelWriting #AmWriting #WritingCommunity #WritersLife #BadWriting #WildImagination #WritingTips #ThoughtsForWednesday #Wednesday #WritingQuestions #WritingFears #5amwritersclub
#novelwriting #amwriting #writingcommunity #writerslife #badwriting #wildimagination #writingtips #thoughtsforwednesday #wednesday #writingquestions #writingfears #5amwritersclub
A quick reminder: if you want to ask me any questions (about writing, publishing, pen geekery, or anything else) for this month's patron Q&A video, today is your last chance! Just subscribe at any level from $1/month upwards & leave your question here: https://patreon.com/posts/march-2023-any-79634637
#patreon #writing #writingquestions
ICYMI, I posted this month's Patron Q&A video yesterday! Subscribe at any level from $1/month to watch me talk about writing workshops, the hunt for good cover art, and book recommendations: https://www.patreon.com/posts/patron-q-2023-79005029
#writing #writingquestions #patreon
Does anyone have some good resources on phrases in Middle English? #MiddleEnglish #phrases #writing #WritingQuestions #research
#MiddleEnglish #phrases #writing #writingquestions #research
I’m plugging away at critiquing a bunch of stories for an upcoming writing workshop. I am not the intended audience for one of the stories which features a lot of Spanglish. I don’t know any Spanish, but I’m doing the best that I can with the bits I do with understand. Workshoppers, how do you critique stories for which you are not the target audience? #WritingCommunity #WritingWorkshops #WritingQuestions #DiverseBooks
#writingcommunity #WritingWorkshops #writingquestions #diversebooks
What do you mainly use to write? If it’s something not on the list, lemme know what you do!