Red Deer Range, Dumfries and Galloway, 6th September 2023.
#BigFeels #WritingRetreat #StartedSomethingAwesome #Scotland #RedDeer #DumfriesAmdGalloway
#dumfriesamdgalloway #RedDeer #scotland #startedsomethingawesome #writingretreat #bigfeels
Also, WriteHive Lite Applications are now open! This free virtual writing retreat takes place over 2 days. You will have time to write, attend classes by our editors, and there is a chance to receive a 30 min one-on-one session with either Hannah Kates, Keir Alekseii, Justine Manzano, or Lauren Davila!
#writingretreat #writingcommunity
On the way home, stopped into @stonejug1860 for brunch with dah hubs. So. Many. Waffles. Lol. I feel like a hobbit, and this is second breakfast and elevenses all in one lol. To go box it is!
#summer #writersofnewfoundland #writerlife #adventure #yyt #writingretreat
#summer #writersofnewfoundland #writerlife #adventure #yyt #writingretreat
Ich würde gerne für ein paar Tage ein #writingretreat an einem ruhigen Ort in oder um #Hamburg machen, wo ich mit #bahn und/oder #bus einfach hinkomme. Kennt da jemand was?
#writingretreat #hamburg #bahn #bus
Heading to Bristol for four months! ✈️
Seeya later USA!
Writing Retreat: It was a dark and stormy night...
The Darling Axe will be hosting our first-ever exclusive writing retreat in magnificent Tofino during storm-watch season—February 2024.
#writingcommunity #northwestcoast #writingretreat #tofino #retreat
#writingcommunity #northwestcoast #writingretreat #tofino #retreat
Dear #MastodonAcademic, have any you budgeted for *writing time* when applying for research funding? I've never seen a grant bid that does so, which suggests that writing is not recognised as the #MethodOfEnquiry it is and is not accounted for in grant time. For example, budgeting for a #WritingRetreat or a project assistant to ensure grant holders have time to at least draft for the dissemination of their findings would seem reasonable to me but ....?#ResearchWriting #AcWri #HigherEducation
#MastodonAcademic #methodofenquiry #writingretreat #researchwriting #acwri #highereducation
Looking forward to hosting my first hybrid #WritingRetreat tomorrow - I made a schedule and tips sheet for on campus and online participants. Hope everyone gets the space and focus they need + some networking and meeting new people #AcWri
where in the #UK (also #Europe) would you go to write & swim?
Anglesey (North Wales) and Stintino (North Sardinia) have given me the #HeadSpace when I had to get a big project across the line.
I need a remote space again for a final writing push this summer where i can also swim but be properly online.
Where do you dream of and/or have 1st hand experience of?
#AcWri #WritingRetreat #GrantWriting #HigherEducation #AcademicWriting
#uk #europe #headspace #acwri #writingretreat #grantwriting #highereducation #academicwriting
Just a couple of places left on my summer writing retreat in rural France! Take a look here:
#ScienceFiction #CreativeWriting #WritingRetreat #SpeculativeFiction
#speculativefiction #writingretreat #creativewriting #sciencefiction
Just a couple of places left on my summer writing retreat in rural France! Take a look here:
#ScienceFiction #CreativeWriting #WritingRetreat #SpeculativeFiction
#speculativefiction #writingretreat #creativewriting #sciencefiction
I am now in Orkney Isles working on a memoirish series of meditations about late diagnosed autism, yoga, trauma and class. Will be here most of April. Nice to be back in the UK time zone and finally have time for my new book.
#LateDiagnosedAutism #autism #writing #author #creativenonfiction #ActuallyAutistc #orkneyisles #meditation #yogq #trauma #class #writingretreat #ownvoices
#LateDiagnosedAutism #autism #writing #author #CreativeNonfiction #ActuallyAutistc #OrkneyIsles #meditation #yogq #trauma #class #writingretreat #ownvoices
Affordable one day Urban Writing Retreat in #Leeds: join us on Saturday May 27th to get the dedicated time and space you need to create your work.
Previous attendees have spoken really positively about how much they've been able to achieve by joining us.
Book your place on Eventbrite: £6 / £3 concs. Hope to see some of you there!
#writersretreat #writingretreat #writers #leeds
My writing retreat still has spaces! Note new dates: 24-29 August, 2023. More here:
#writingretreat #speculativefiction #sciencefiction
My lovely #Panama adventure - slash - #WritingRetreat has ended.
#panama #writingretreat #amwriting #writefromanywhere
Me: Looks up prices of writing retreats in the UK. 😩
Norwegian prisons: (see image)
Me: Looks up crimes that typically get 3-6 months in Norway. For… research. 🤔
#AmWriting #WritingCommunity #WritingRetreat #NorwegianPrisons
#amwriting #writingcommunity #writingretreat #norwegianprisons
I'm off on a writing retreat next week so I've started packing... #WritingRetreat
Back from my fourth #writingRetreat at Moniack Mhor in the Scottish #Highlands. My most productive yet – 4000 words thanks to magical combination of solitude and community, writing hard all day and chatting with fellow #kidlit authors at mealtimes. Highly recommend Moniack Mhor if you can find a space on an untutored retreat
#writingcommunity #MoniackMhor #scotland #amwriting #Scotland
#amwriting #scotland #moniackmhor #writingcommunity #kidlit #highlands #writingretreat
Delighted to say that my summer retreat for speculative fiction writers is running again in rural France later this year, 27 August to 1 September.
Time and space and quiet to write, and the opportunity for tutorials with me during your stay. More here:
#ScienceFiction #SpeculativeFiction #Writing #WritingRetreat
#writingretreat #Writing #speculativefiction #sciencefiction
Spring is coming at Solus Or. Snowdrops, primroses and the first tiny shoots of rhubarb coming through. #spring #scotland #solusor #writingretreat #writingcommunity
#writingcommunity #writingretreat #solusor #scotland #spring