Pen to Paper, the RWA class I’ve been taking for several months, is over and I’m so sad about it. Now to keep up the momentum and finish up my draft. Might try to start using mastodon more to sort of check in with myself. #writingromance #amwritingromance
#amwritingromance #writingromance
One of the issues I get frustrated with in #writing #fiction is a problem I think only #writers of fiction set in relatively present day in our world deal with.
It used to be that tech moved slowly. But now it's so quick. It changes in just a few years. And if your book takes even 3 years to write, edit, and put out, you worry about some of it feeling dated. And not just the tech; the pop culture references too. ;_;
Anyone else? Just me?
#urbanfantasy #writingromance #editing #author #writers #fiction #writing
#PennedPossibilities 7 — Which bad habits would your MC like to change?
Marcus - Deflecting hurt feelings with humour and sarcasm instead of talking it out.
Ellis - Shutting down anyone who wrongs him. Being quick to judge and not so great at forgiveness. Getting into pissing contests - figuratively speaking.
Jack - His inability to say no to someone, even if it means he ends up doing something he hates or that hurts him.
#shifters #MMMRomance #writingromance #amwriting #wip #pennedpossibilities
I think my internet surfing is higher, but I'm gonna call it "research." on twitter and facebook. and instagram. and tumblr. and mastodon.
#writingromance #writingerotica #writing
"Let's talk about Fictional Sex: Writing sex scenes that deepen character" by Tara Kennedy explores how authors can use the ways their characters think about and engage in sex to create more fully rounded characters and even better stories.
#Writing #WritingBooks #WritingRomance #WritingCommunity #WritersCommunity #WritersOfMastodon #Romancelandia #Romance #screenwriting
@writing @writingcommunity @romancelandia
#ad #writing #writingbooks #writingromance #writingcommunity #writerscommunity #writersofmastodon #romancelandia #romance #screenwriting
How To Write Short Romance: The Quick and Easy Guide to Writing Instalove
by Nell Alexander
Learn what Short Romance is, the unmissable beats and where to hit them, the framework for 7k, 10k and 15k fiction, short romance book. marketing, and more
#Writing #WritingBooks #WritingRomance #WritingCommunity #WritersCommunity #WritersOfMastodon #Romancelandia #Romance #BookMarketing #BookPromotions
@writing @writingcommunity @romancelandia
#ad #writing #writingbooks #writingromance #writingcommunity #writerscommunity #writersofmastodon #romancelandia #romance #bookmarketing #bookpromotions
Romancing the Beat: Story Structure for Romance Novels (How to Write Kissing Books)
The romance arc is made up of its own story beats, and the external plot and theme need to be braided to the romance arc—not the other way around. Learn how to craft a well-structured romance.
#Writing #WritingBooks #WritingRomance #WritingCommunity #WritersCommunity #WritersOfMastodon #Romancelandia #Romance
@writing @writingcommunity @romancelandia
#ad #writing #writingbooks #writingromance #writingcommunity #writerscommunity #writersofmastodon #romancelandia #romance
An in-depth step-by-step guide to the key techniques to start writing short romance fiction & publish on the Amazon Kindle platform. Including: Understanding the Amazon Kindle Market for Romance; Writing Romance; Self-Editing; Building an Ebook; #SelfPublishing on Amazon; Marketing & Promotion.
#Writing #WritingBooks #WritingRomance #WritingCommunity #WritersCommunity #WritersOfMastodon #Romancelandia #Romance #BookMarketing
@writing @writingcommunity @romancelandia
#selfpublishing #writing #writingbooks #writingromance #writingcommunity #writerscommunity #writersofmastodon #romancelandia #romance #bookmarketing
So you want to write #Romance?
Here's a thread of resources about writing, self-publishing and marketing romance to help you out. ⬇
*I'll update the thread over time & add a note here when I do.. Fave or RT this top post for alerts when there are new additions. ❤️
#Writing #WritingBooks #WritingRomance #WritingCommunity #WritersCommunity #WritersOfMastodon #Romancelandia @writing @writingcommunity @romancelandia
#romance #writing #writingbooks #writingromance #writingcommunity #writerscommunity #writersofmastodon #romancelandia
Hey, #WritersCommunity. Are you interested in writing #Romance?
Check out my collection of resources about writing, publishing and marketing Romance stories and novels.
#Writing #WritersOfMastodon #WritingCommunity #WritingRomance #Romancelandia
#writerscommunity #romance #writing #writersofmastodon #writingcommunity #writingromance #romancelandia
Pre-order my new book why don't you. Out 28 September 2023
#TheBeginningofEverything #Bookstodon #BooksOfMastodon #AmWriting #SecondNovel #WomensFiction #RespectRomFic #WritingRomance
#writingromance #respectromfic #womensfiction #secondnovel #amwriting #BooksofMastodon #bookstodon #thebeginningofeverything
Have to change POVs for a scene. Sometimes, like this time, it's a lot of work. Ugh.
#CampNaNo #CampNaNoWriMo
#campnano #campnanowrimo #writingromance
KWL – 314 – How to Write Historical Romance with Grace Callaway #adviceforauthors #adviceforwriters #KoboWritingLife #self-publishing #regencyromance #romancewriting #writingromance #GraceCallaway #romanceauthor #writingadvice #KWLCommunity #best-selling #bestsellers #KWLPodcast #newrelease #podcast #romance #writing #Kobo #tips #KWL
#adviceforauthors #adviceforwriters #kobowritinglife #self #regencyromance #romancewriting #writingromance #gracecallaway #romanceauthor #writingadvice #kwlcommunity #best #bestsellers #kwlpodcast #newrelease #podcast #romance #writing #kobo #tips #KWL
"He feels a bond for me?"
"Oh yes," the cat said as it curled up at her feet. "He asks after you often and is quick to anger if your name is mentioned in unfavorable context. It may not be the bond that you wanted, but it is one nonetheless. Perhaps one day it will change into the bond that you do want. The bond between true life-mates."
(two chapters left til 1st draft is completed!)
#wip #amwriting #writingromance
Last night, I woke up to find my partner still awake. I rolled over to go back to sleep, but he had something to tell me. He told me he just finished my manuscript and thought it was amazing, and that he loved it, and even got teary at one of the main parts and then we stayed up discussing it and talking about plans for it and it was just such a fucking lovely moment of being seen.
@scottatron @bookstodon #WritingCommunity #Writing #WritingRomance
#writingromance #writing #writingcommunity
How to write the next big romance novel: a KWL Recap #romancewritinglife #romancemarketing #KoboWritingLife #self-publishing #romancewriting #writingromance #MyWritingLife #KWLCommunity #romance #writing #Blog #tips #KWL
#romancewritinglife #romancemarketing #kobowritinglife #self #romancewriting #writingromance #mywritinglife #kwlcommunity #romance #writing #blog #tips #KWL
New episode of the podcast is live! In it we discuss the movie Bros and romance beats. Listen in to learn how to nail a romance structure!
#WritingCommunity #EditingTips #Writer #Editing #WritersLife #Author #AmWriting #WritingTipsAndTricks #WritingTips #WritingRomance #AmWritingRomance
#amwritingromance #writingromance #writingtips #writingtipsandtricks #amwriting #author #writerslife #editing #writer #EditingTips #writingcommunity
I want to do a romance-specific version of #WritingWonders with questions like "In your MCs' relationship, who opens stuck jars?" "What was the worst date they ever went on (do they agree)?" "Can/do your MCs wear each others' clothes?"
Buuuut I don't have 28 of these things. I have five. Tant pis.
#writingcommunity #writingromance #writingwonders
Finished my first novel and two full rounds of edits. Now it's off to beta-readers and I get to step away from it for a few weeks before finalizing it.
I made a mood board for my romance novel that I'm obviously supposed to be revising & editing. Instead, enjoy!
#moodboard #amwritingromance #amwriting #editing #writingromance #writing
#writing #writingromance #editing #amwriting #amwritingromance #moodboard