Free #WritingResource Wednesday!
Hemingway App This one doesn't require a download, and will give editing advice.
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#WritingResource #writing #writers #writingtip
"All is well" can be a great place to start or end a novel, but it's best avoided at every other stage.
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#writingcommunity #writerslife #writerscafe #writingtip #writingtips
New content! We thought you writers might enjoy some helpful writing tips from an author/editor...
What do you make of this one?
#fantasywriter #writingtip #writinginspiration #indiepress
Use hard line breaks for scene transitions only when necessary, not to bridge short distances or gaps in time. Keep your reader in the scene.
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#writingtip #writingtips #writingadvice #amwriting #writingcommunity
Beware coincidence that helps your protagonist along the path to their goal.
#writingtip #writingtips #writingadvice #amwriting #writingcommunity
#writingtip #writingtips #writingadvice #amwriting #writingcommunity
"Reader information" is particularly glaring in dialog and it can ruin the genuineness of a conversation. Ultimately, it allows the reader to see the author behind the words.
There is an art to dialog signposting, and subtlety is important; minimalism too has its appeal. However, over-reliance on minimalism and subtlety can also work against you.
Actions are a great substitute for dialog tags. No need to double up!
Free #WritingResource Wednesday!
Orbis. It helps estimate different travel times based on distance and transportation type.
#writing #writers #writingtip #writingfantasy
#WritingResource #writing #writers #writingtip #writingfantasy
Reader immersion refers to how connected or immersed readers are in your story, characters, and setting. Immersion is broken by anything that pulls a reader out of the story.
Omniscience is a perspective all of its own, so it's important not to mix omniscient insights into a close/limited third-person perspective. Many readers will snag on this, and it otherwise makes the voice uneven.
Another fascinating read from Marcy Kennedy, who's brilliant, yet so often flies beneath the radar for most people. The post:
Does Talent Matter?
What she discovered, and what she shares, is worth reading.
*This is actually a preview of the email she sends me. You can also check Amazon for her writing guides author's page.
#AmWriting #WritingCommunity #Writing #Writers #WritingTip #WriterProblems
#writerproblems #writingtip #writers #writing #writingcommunity #amwriting
Internal conflict is best demonstrated in the midst of external conflict.
Free #WritingResource Wednesday!
Joplin. I haven't tried this one myself just yet, but it is an open-source encrypted alternative to Google Docs.
#WritingResource #writing #writers #writingtip
A multi-POV novel can be fantastic, but it needs to be purposeful--the story needs to call for it.
Build demand in your readers' minds so they crave a character's backstory, and then deliver it a drip at a time within the context of a scene.
In a close or limited third-person POV, the metaphors that appear in a narrator's exposition should reflect their personality, their history, their hobbies and interests.
When narrative perspective isn't static, it's always important to establish POV within the first few sentences of a new section or chapter, to make it clear to the reader who the story is filtering through. This is your POV contract.
In first and close/limited third person, anything described is necessarily what the POV character sees/hears/feels. You can almost always cut these verbs.
Free #WritingResource Wednesday!
This one is a free writing program program called yWriter.
While it may not be overly fancy(especially in appearance) , it is a free alternative to much more expensive writing programs.
#writing #writers #writingtip
#WritingResource #writing #writers #writingtip