Damon Young · @damonyoung
1374 followers · 1907 posts · Server mas.to

I’m really enjoying this Writing Excuses series on writing & disability.

Some of it will be familiar to anyone who knows about the social model (which they define in two episodes). But the conversations about authors describing *and* living with disabilities are very good. podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/

#literature #books #speculativefiction #writingfantasy #writingsf #writingwhiledisabled #disabilities #disability #writing #amwriting

Last updated 2 years ago

Lindsey 🐲 · @lindsey
336 followers · 245 posts · Server infosec.exchange

Took notes for class the last few days with a fountain pen and I think the experiment so far is quite successful. Noticed much less soreness/fatigue than normal with handwriting. I might actually be able to go back to handwritten journaling if it continues to be such lower strain. Wish I could afford more than experimenting with super cheap ones, but we'll get there eventually lol

#fountainpens #writingwhiledisabled

Last updated 2 years ago