One of Isabel's ex-girlfriends describes her as having "the absolute worst taste in everything, and yes, I include myself in that."
Carrie… is a politician. Nobody's ever sure how sincere she is when she's talking to them.
#WritingWonders10 #WritingWonders
How would the MC's closest friend/confidante describe them? Kind? Rude?
#RushIn: ahah. She would say he can be pretty rude -- and that's how he was first perceived. But he really isn't unkind at core. She'd say he's a caring person when he's granted the space to feel safe and healthy. Very passionate, intelligent and quite fun; easily reveals as an awkward sweetie if you get a few things right around him. He's really snarky only when nervous and scared.
#rushin #writingwonders #writingwonders10