K. A. Perkins · @iamkaperkins
2 followers · 33 posts · Server me.dm

You Can Do It! If you're an entrepreneur, you understand that your success can't rely on the views of others. Just like the wind, thoughts change...like the weather, ideas alter patterns. To be successful at any undertaking, you have to remain on the course...it does not matter what it costs! Here are a few surefire tips to hel... instagram.com/p/Cpn-khBOjKg/?u

#fashion #motivational #datainterpretation #writtencommunication #dataassimilation #inspirational #hustleculture #hustlemotivation #gpunltd

Last updated 2 years ago

aegilops :github::microsoft: · @aegilops
71 followers · 264 posts · Server fosstodon.org

@BenUNC oh, I see! I tend to use "please" because written stuff gets misconstrued (as you implied with your reply, thanks).

If I open with "please" I don't overuse it; my tone in the rest carries the scent of that - so I can then be briefer, as you suggested.

Sometimes I forget that tone doesn't carry in text, and sometimes it bites me, and then I remember to think about it more.

Interested in citations about how people react to differently worded pleasantries!

#please #writtencommunication

Last updated 2 years ago