Name This Movie. Wrong Answers Only. #NameThisMovie #WrongAnswersOnly
#wronganswersonly #namethismovie
Last week's Name This Movie was "Sixteen Candles"... aaaaand I thought I remembered how I came up with the idea of using it. Nope. Maybe I was thinking about Molly Ringwald? Dunno. I don't even think I've seen this, which actually... isn't surprising? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ #NameThisMovie #WrongAnswersOnly
#wronganswersonly #namethismovie
BTW, love it when you folks boost the quiz. Thank you. :)
#wronganswersonly #namethismovie
Name This Movie. Wrong Answers Only. #NameThisMovie #WrongAnswersOnly
#wronganswersonly #namethismovie
Last week's Name This Movie was Con Air. I can tell you only a few things about it: I saw it in a theater; it has Nicolas Cage in it; I didn't like it much; I can't think of it without thinking of blow dryers. :)
#NameThisMovie #WrongAnswersOnly
#wronganswersonly #namethismovie
@eazy @monoxyd Sie haben ihr monatliches Waschvolumen aufgebraucht. Laden Sie jetzt Ihr Waschvolumen wieder auf, sonst können Sie erst nächsten Monat Ihr Gerät wieder nutzen. #WrongAnswersOnly
@Jaden2 I'm partial to #wronganswersonly myself.
Also, not to toot my own server's horn too much, but follow some folk. None of us are too serious. 😁👍 (Want an example? @LRRRonEarth )
Name This Movie. Wrong Answers Only. #NameThisMovie #WrongAnswersOnly
#wronganswersonly #namethismovie
Last Week's Name This Movie Was Heathers, a 1989 black comedy starring Winona Ryder & Christian Slater. This was another one where I said to myself "How have I not done this before?" I think it's a touchstone for my generation. #NameThisMovie #WrongAnswersOnly
#wronganswersonly #namethismovie
Last week's Name This Movie was "The Band," a 2009 film I know *absolutely nothing* about. :) Was looking for a Robbie Robertson film, but I'd already done "The Last Waltz," & I usually don't reuse films. #WrongAnswersOnly
Hey folks, I'll get to #WrongAnswersOnly tomorrow. Sorry for the delay. Some of the answers I saw were really good. :)
Last Week's Name This Movie was Pee-wee's Big Adventure, since Paul Reubens died last week. :( Another movie I haven't seen: a lot of people of my generation loved "Pee-wee," but he never clicked for me, unfortunately. #WrongAnswersOnly
@beckett I hope you understand why I wanted you to pick another film last time. You didn't give the exact answer, but you still essentially gave the answer? Sorry about that.
Last week's Name This Movie was The Return of Ironside, a 1993 made for TV movie starring, of course, Raymond Burr. 2 weeks ago when I realized I'd done several movies with main characters using wheelchairs, I idly wondered if there was an Ironside film. I looked, and voilà. I don't believe I've ever seen this, but I know I watched plenty of the TV show when I was a kid. #WrongAnswersOnly
Last week's Name This Movie was West Side Story, a 1961 film based on an earlier musical, which itself was loosely based on Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet. I don't know if I've actually ever seen this, but I should. Again, I wanted a different picture, but found this one so compelling that I had to use it. #WrongAnswersOnly
Where did the idiom “hold the phone” originate? Wrong answers only, please.
#holdthephone #wronganswersonly