"In a pigs eye!" #WrongEpisode? #TOSSatNight
#tossatnight #wrongepisode
"I'm convinced you're a quadracene hallucinatin" #WrongEpisode #TOSSatNight
Remove all the breakables from sickbay #WrongEpisode #TOSSatNight
Nomad?! #WrongEpisode #TOSSatNight
Ein hunger das niemal tot! #WrongEpisode #Rejeck #TOSSatNight
#tossatnight #rejeck #wrongepisode
These are delicate machines captain! #WrongEpisode #TOSSatNight
Can half a pants (lady) survive?! #WrongEpisode #TOSSatNight
I said, gimmie the COFFEE! #WrongEpisode #TOSSatNight
NO NO HYPO! #WrongEpisode #TOSSatNight
"Shut up Spock! We're rescuing you!" #WrongEpisode #TOSSatNight
Lets get the hell outta here #wrongEpisode? #TOSSatNight
Is the power utilization curve for a suicide mission? #WrongEpisode #TOSSatNight
@SpockResists "Yes, it makes me uncomfortable!" #WrongEpisode
No doubt the point of entry will be sensitive #WrongEpisode #TOSSatNIght