Nicole · @orangegoldgreen
109 followers · 35 posts · Server

Maybe I'm burnt out because college propaganda cons entire generations of nerdy, shy children with a vague promise that you can make a living spending your energy on "research."

Then right before they kick you out and demand loan payments, the curtain drops and reveals that most "research" is actually just following endless, ridiculous demands from the parents of the types of people who bullied you in highschool, IF you can convince them to even hire you.

Most of these demands are around assessing the technical specifications of the masking tape holding together parts of this capitalist hellscape. Then they get angry when we advise that swapping out cheap, shitty tape for the masking tape is a terrible idea.

#research #Science #burnout #autisticburnout #AuDHD #adhd #nerd #college #scientist #actuallyautistic #neurodivergent #anxiety #wrongplanet #autismawareness

Last updated 2 years ago

Nicole · @orangegoldgreen
98 followers · 27 posts · Server

Wouldn't it be cool if humans prioritized helping each other, as opposed to searching for ways to most efficiently funnel money/labor out of people less fortunate into their own pockets & the pockets of wealthier people they idolize?

#actuallyautistic #whatif #politics #humans #wrongplanet #cantsleep

Last updated 2 years ago

Katy J.E. · @KatyElphinstone
822 followers · 1295 posts · Server


I'm into the sort of politics that gets covered in the book 'The Ministry of the Future' (you could probably describe it as very left, based in equity and kindness, grass roots, eco, everyone/everything has value... we're all connected. That sort of thing. A sociocracy.

And I look at this world and think 'what the heck am I doing here?!'

Basically, I don't identify with what we call 'politics' at all.


Last updated 2 years ago

Helpful Details · @helpfuldetails
0 followers · 52 posts · Server

When the (or one of them, forgive my ignorance) of is on what more can you ask for?

#founder #wrongplanet #mastodon #nostalgia

Last updated 2 years ago