#GermanEnergyFact #6 is even more dirty than the last one: #lignite
Here is most recent #AGEB data on lignite for 2022: https://ag-energiebilanzen.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/BK-KJ22-erste-Schatzung-09.12.2022.pdf
▶️ Primary #energy consumption of lignite in 🇩🇪 increased by 5% in 2022 vs. 2021. #wrongtrend
▶️ The overall consumption in 2022 was 329 TWh. That is nearly 4000 kWh per capita #thatsalot!
▶️ Around 90% of this was used for #electricity generation, which was also up by around 5% vs. 2021, driven by exploding electricity prices
#electricity #thatsalot #wrongtrend #energy #AGEB #lignite #germanenergyfact