@9names @orowith2os looks like it's a YD-#RP2040 board
by VCC-GND Studio with USRkey user button @ GPIO24 and #WS2812 RGB LED @ GPIO23
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004464972017.html ;-)
Electronic Connect 4 Console Doesn’t Use LCD - You might think that making your own electronic games would require some kind of L... - https://hackaday.com/2023/05/28/electronic-connect-4-console-doesnt-use-lcd/ #arduinohacks #neopixel #arduino #ws2812 #games
#games #ws2812 #arduino #neopixel #arduinohacks
Mike G and Uma are adding reused #WS2812 LEDs to the comet today @DoESLiverpool - tools and materials laid out neatly!
Looking forward to seeing this with soft plastic light diffusing flames made at the Convenience Gallery workshop at Pilgrim Street Art Gallery this Friday
#CollaborativeArt #AllTheLEDs #Reuse #SustainableArt
#ws2812 #collaborativeart #alltheleds #reuse #sustainableart
Quick and Dirty Microscope Motion Control for Focus Stacking https://hackaday.com/2023/03/11/quick-and-dirty-microscope-motion-control-for-focus-stacking/ #focusstacking #motioncontrol #microscopy #MiscHacks #28BYJ-48 #arduino #uln2003 #ws2812 #dslr
#focusstacking #motioncontrol #microscopy #MiscHacks #28BYJ #arduino #uln2003 #ws2812 #dslr
Quick and Dirty Microscope Motion Control for Focus Stacking - If you’ve spent much time looking through a microscope, you know that their narrow... - https://hackaday.com/2023/03/11/quick-and-dirty-microscope-motion-control-for-focus-stacking/ #focusstacking #motioncontrol #microscopy #mischacks #28byj-48 #arduino #uln2003 #ws2812 #dslr
#dslr #ws2812 #uln2003 #arduino #28byj #mischacks #microscopy #motioncontrol #focusstacking
The Curved Nature of Time Clock https://hackaday.com/2023/03/03/the-curved-nature-of-time-clock/ #clockhacks #LEDHacks #ws2812 #clock
#clockhacks #LEDHacks #ws2812 #clock
The Curved Nature of Time Clock - While we’re told that space-time curves, we aren’t sure that was what [andrei.erde... - https://hackaday.com/2023/03/03/the-curved-nature-of-time-clock/ #clockhacks #ledhacks #ws2812 #clock
#clock #ws2812 #ledhacks #clockhacks
Illuminate Your Benched Things with this Death Stranding Lamp https://hackaday.com/2023/01/29/illuminate-your-benched-things-with-this-death-stranding-lamp/ #MachineLearning #3dPrinterhacks #3Dprintable #videogame #LEDHacks #nRF52840 #cosplay #TinyML #TTP223 #ws2812
#MachineLearning #3dPrinterhacks #3dprintable #videogame #LEDHacks #nrf52840 #cosplay #TinyML #ttp223 #ws2812
Illuminate Your Benched Things with this Death Stranding Lamp - [Pinkman] creates a smart RGB table lamp based off of the “Odradek device” robot a... - https://hackaday.com/2023/01/29/illuminate-your-benched-things-with-this-death-stranding-lamp/ #machinelearning #3dprinterhacks #3dprintable #videogame #ledhacks #nrf52840 #cosplay #tinyml #ttp223 #ws2812
#ws2812 #ttp223 #tinyml #cosplay #nrf52840 #ledhacks #videogame #3dprintable #3dprinterhacks #machinelearning
I put #micropython on one of my #M5Atom #ESP32 devices - just to see and play with it a bit.
I used the new #Arduino IDE for python - And I still don't like #python - I will use it when I have to but, it's not for me. I also know it's going to be the future - so I will just have to be stuck in my ways.
It did work thou, and I was able to get the #ws2812 demo working on the Atom - without too much problem - it didn't like the idents for the first for statement thou?
#ws2812 #python #arduino #esp32 #m5atom #micropython
Been working on a new Gameboy Macro build, I found some super tiny Ws2812 led strip and found that they fit in my hollow hinge bar defuser I had made for another build. It does screen switching and has usb c charging. The Ws2812 strip is controlled by a attiny85 #Nintendo #gameboymacro #ws2812 #arduino #attiny85
#nintendo #GameBoyMacro #ws2812 #arduino #attiny85
Oooh. I'm trying a thing! This is fun :)
Addressable LEDs From a Z80 https://hackaday.com/2023/01/19/addressable-leds-from-a-z80/ #Retrocomputing #ZXSpectrum #LEDHacks #neopixel #RC2014 #ws2812 #z80
#Retrocomputing #zxspectrum #LEDHacks #neopixel #rc2014 #ws2812 #z80
Addressable LEDs From a Z80 - If you buy WS2812s under the Adafruit NeoPixel brand, you’ll receive the advice th... - https://hackaday.com/2023/01/19/addressable-leds-from-a-z80/ #retrocomputing #zxspectrum #ledhacks #neopixel #rc2014 #ws2812 #z80
#z80 #ws2812 #rc2014 #neopixel #ledhacks #zxspectrum #retrocomputing
If your interested in pushing kilopixel video streams in #resolumearena using the #artnet protocol via wifi, i have published some code to get you started.
https://github.com/leonyuhanov/ESP32_MultiChanNeopixel_ArtNet this drives 10 panels with 257 #ws2812 #sk6812 #neopixels each, using an #esp32 with parallel output at 25fps
#resolumearena #artnet #ws2812 #sk6812 #neopixels #esp32
A fun but challenging model kit I've been working on and off on and adding to for a while.
Paperboard kit of the Hogwarts Express train plus station, Harry, Ron, and flying car:
The train and tracks are almost 3 feet long.
I added an #Arduino Nano with the #Adafruit #Neopixel, #Mozzi, and #Talkie libraries, piezo speakers, and #WS2812 LEDs to give it music, sounds, and flickering engine, coalbox, and passenger compartment lights.
#arduino #adafruit #neopixel #mozzi #talkie #ws2812
Finally had time to look at the @HIP22 badge and have some initial #Rust code working as well as one of the 16 #LED s driven by the #WS2812 #NeoPixel #SmartLed 's.
Something I haven't yet seen (but seems to be quite common) is (ab-)using the #SPI to produce the waves for the DIN for the LEDs:
To recap, SPI uses SCLK, PICO/MOSI, POCI/MISO, CS/SS for communication, that is clock, data to and from peripheral and chip-select. The LED stripe only uses one "data in" port however, with a peculiar square-wave protocol that requires precise timing. One popular way to achieve that is to program the SPI to leave SCLK, POCI and CS unconfigured and only hook up PICO<->DIN. Further, since the SPI works at roughly 4x the speed the LED strips operate, to send one bit of value X over to the LED, you need to tell the SPI to send four such X valued bits.
Now I need to figure out whether the Rust crate for this allows "empty" or dangling SPI GPIO Pins as well...
Some articles around this technique:
There are some people basically doing the same in hardware:
#rust #led #ws2812 #neopixel #smartled #spi