Minimalist LED Lamp Is Circular Beauty Incarnate - Lamps used to be things built to provide light with specific purpose, whether as r... - #addressableleds #glowables #ledhacks #ws2812b #lamp #led
#led #lamp #ws2812b #ledhacks #glowables #addressableleds
自作した #WS2812B もとい #SK6812 の基板、とりま点灯はしたので一安心。これまで1515サイズの #SK6805 しか使ったことなかったので光がデカくてわろてる。
I made a custom board for #WS2812B ( #SK6812 ). It's a relief that they light up at least. I’ve only ever used the 1515 size #SK6805 before, I’m amused at how big the light is.
#電子工作 #DIY #electronics #pcb #circuitboard #基板 #電子工作初心者 #NeoPixel
#neopixel #電子工作初心者 #基板 #circuitboard #pcb #electronics #diy #電子工作 #sk6805 #sk6812 #ws2812b
A Nifty Tool For Counting Neopixels - Picture it. You’ve got a big roll of NeoPixels, but you have no idea how many are ... - #neopixels #ledhacks #neopixel #ws2812b
#ws2812b #neopixel #ledhacks #neopixels
...and I thought to myself, "why not control LEDs with LEDs?!"
#smartmatrix #teensy #ws2812b #LEDs
@kd8bxp Part 2
The enamelled copper wire from the planet Shi´na is a mess. Every time I touch the #Spaceship it brakes and interrupts the 144Leds/m #WS2812B #Ledstripe. I' m going to wire it up competely new.
#ledstripe #ws2812b #spaceship
Visual Ear Demonstrates How The Cochlear Works #CochlearImplant #Teensy4.0 #cochlear #innerear #ws2812b #News #ear
#cochlearimplant #Teensy4 #cochlear #innerear #ws2812b #News #ear
Visual Ear Demonstrates How The Cochlear Works - The cochlear is key to human hearing, and it plays an important role in our unders... - #cochlearimplant #teensy4.0 #cochlear #innerear #ws2812b #news #ear
#ear #news #ws2812b #innerear #cochlear #teensy4 #cochlearimplant
Displaying the Time is Elemental With This Periodic Table Clock #periodictable #clockhacks #Chemistry #elements #neopixel #Science #ws2812b #ds1307 #clock #rtc
#periodictable #clockhacks #chemistry #elements #neopixel #Science #ws2812b #ds1307 #clock #rtc
Displaying the Time is Elemental With This Periodic Table Clock - We see a lot of clocks here at Hackaday, so many now that it’s hard to surprise us... - #periodictable #clockhacks #chemistry #elements #neopixel #science #ws2812b #ds1307 #clock #rtc
#rtc #clock #ds1307 #ws2812b #science #neopixel #elements #chemistry #clockhacks #periodictable
Woohoo finally got my redone bookshelf and LEDs in! Here’s some various pics from along the way.
This started off as a bookshelf remodel. After the remodeling came the lights. I only had to backtrack a little on my remodel job (shame on me for a missed planning step 😂)
Project uses: #ws2812b LEDs, #wled, #esp8266 / #nodeMCU microcontroller + components, #pine64 #pinecil soldering iron, #patience, and some doorbell wire to run the strips in series.
#ws2812b #wled #esp8266 #nodemcu #pine64 #Pinecil #patience #diy #tech
Decorative Clock Uses LED Strips To Beautiful Effect #clockhacks #ws2812b #clock #led
#clockhacks #ws2812b #clock #led
Decorative Clock Uses LED Strips To Beautiful Effect - Clocks used to be dowdy old things with mechanical hands and sometimes even little... - #clockhacks #ws2812b #clock #led
#led #clock #ws2812b #clockhacks
In regard to my New Year's Eve project, yesterday I wrote a blog post about it.
Blog Post:
Source Code:
#raspberrypi #dotnet #aspnetcore #ws2812b
LEDs Put New Spin on a Sonic The Hedgehog Costume #ArduinoHacks #arduinonano #halloween #LEDHacks #costume #ws2812b #sonic
#ArduinoHacks #arduinonano #halloween #LEDHacks #costume #ws2812b #sonic
LEDs Put New Spin on a Sonic The Hedgehog Costume - [Wentworthm] couldn’t say no to his son’s plea for a Sonic the Hedgehog costume fo... - #arduinohacks #arduinonano #halloween #ledhacks #costume #ws2812b #sonic
#sonic #ws2812b #costume #ledhacks #halloween #arduinonano #arduinohacks
Zur beginnenden Weihnachtszeit, mal was passendes. Ein Weihnachtsstern mit LEDs vom Typ WS2812B und das ganze wird am Arduino UNO mit einer IR Fernbedienung gesteuert.
#arduino #christmas #irremotecontrol #ws2812b
#DIY / #maker community - does anyone know what this resistor is for on the #esp8266 #nodemcu ? I have a strip of 59 #ws2812b LEDs and no matter what resistors and capacitors i put in front of it, this resistor will start burning out after ~1min.
I have other setups and this isn’t happening, some with more, some with less leds. I’m even in mimicking the other setups component to component.
What am I doing wrong/differently?!
(Forgive the poor soldering, i’ve removed and added components.)
#diy #maker #esp8266 #nodemcu #ws2812b
Neodriver Ornament Brightens Up Christmas - Stores will sell you all kinds of gaudy holiday ornaments, but there’s nothing lik... - #christmastree #holidayhacks #attinyhacks #ws2812b #tree #led
#led #tree #ws2812b #attinyhacks #holidayhacks #christmastree