You can now easily change the WSGI server for Lumos. You can choose between Gevent WSGI and
So here's another pretty solid resource explicitly stating that WSGI URL routing treating %2F like / is unexpected.
#framework #web #flask #fastapi #wsgi #Python
I'm working on a #Python project where we want to replace an #WSGI ORM with an #ASGI ORM, but it's tangled into everything and called from all over the business logic. If the ORM would've been decoupled from the objects tossed around in the business logic, it would've been much easier to replace the ORM.
This blog post outlines an example of how this can be done with #Pydantic. I'm also covering decoupling the data store communication via the "Repository pattern".
As requested, soon i will release the CLI tools for socketify, also compatible with #ASGI and #WSGI, you can use it with, #Falcon, #Flask, #Django #Emmett or your favorite #Python #WebFramework
#asgi #wsgi #falcon #flask #django #emmett #python #webframework
Python 3.9.0 fixed the (server sent events) issue when using WGSI on Dreamhost shared hosting. ❤️ #python3.9.0 #sse #wsgi #dreamhost #shared #hosting
#hosting #shared #dreamhost #wsgi #sse #python3