#WSIS. InternetGovernance
RT @kkomaitis: [New oped] There is a UN process called the Global Digital Compact that could upend the Internet governance #multistakeholder model. Despite its deficiencies, the Internet collaborative model is still a better option than the top-down, multilateral option https://techpolicy.press/the-un-wants-more-say-over-the-future-of-the-internet-thats-not-necessarily-a-good-thing/
RT @kkomaitis
To Internet folks: look at 👇& start thinking of UN processes & voting - the #Cybercrime Treaty, #Cybersecurity (OEWG, etc), #WSIS, the global digital compact! One can start seeing how nothing is for granted in Internet governance. Everything we fought for is up for grabs!
#cybercrime #cybersecurity #wsis
To Internet folks: look at 👇& start thinking of UN processes & voting - the #Cybercrime Treaty, #Cybersecurity (OEWG, etc), #WSIS, the global digital compact! One can start seeing how nothing is for granted in Internet governance. Everything we fought for is up for grabs!
#cybercrime #cybersecurity #wsis
A friend asked if I’d join their session at the World Summit on the Information Society Forum (“building back better and accelerating the achievement of the SDGs”).
I already had grave reservations about the UN after hearing a talk on the SDGs where they said “we should stand aside and let the tech companies solve big problems” but I thought, “let’s give it the benefit do the doubt.”
Guess who their main sponsor is? Yep, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
#saudiarabia #whitewashing #wsis
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