‘Tis the season. #handlesmessiah #wso #centennialconcerthall #december17 @ Centennial Concert Hall https://www.instagram.com/p/CmS_fm_Mjzf/?igshid=YTgzYjQ4ZTY=
#handlesmessiah #wso #centennialconcerthall #december17
Are there any #acoa #aca folks on here?
For those of you who aren't aware, it stands for Adult Children of Alcoholics. I am one.
I've been on a journey since… I dunno, May/June? And it's been incredible, terrifying, and miraculous.
Tomorrow I'll be leading my morning meeting on the topic of learned indecisiveness courtesy of the identity papers. If there are any fellow travelers out there, please reach out.
#alcoholism #12step #recovery #adultchild #dysfunction #wso #identitypapers
#acoa #aca #alcoholism #12step #recovery #adultchild #dysfunction #wso #identitypapers
did i say anhörungvorfestsetzungeinesbußgeldes yet #wso https://twitter.com/m4rch/status/1113913851265863680
übrigens hasse ich was mammon mit mir macht und beobachte tendenzen die mich erst fressen und dann moral ganz gut nachvollziehen lassen #wso