My current project is to see if I can get my Great Scott Gadgets Hack RF One to do some WSPR stuff in the 10m and up band(s).
I have a dipole antennae I made in my attic out of 70 ohm coax; it was measured for those frequencies.
I put a NanoVNA on the antenna the other afternoon, down here on the end of the cable where the RaspPi/HackRF connects, and measured about 2.4 at 10m, and down about 1.2 at 70cm.
It isn't perfect, but I think everything should be fine at 5w and under.
come at me bros
Not sure how this lines up with the recent WSPR data models. Also, by a pilot switching to backup systems once the fuel was exhausted, the SATCOM systems automatically reboot (which apparently happened) suggesting a controlled final descent.
#science #mathematics #7tharc #wsprnet #mh370
Started thinking about Malaysia Airlines because of that last post, & remembered I hadn't seen anything lately about MH370. This is from ~2 months ago. The Indian ocean is big; the new flight path info is... odd. #WSPRnet