These vans are the same size. The middle van was copy-pasted without changing scale.
Measure them 😅
#magic #voodoo #opticalillusion #wtd
@Hypermycotic I do kind of like "What the duck?!?!" though. Nice surrealist vibe to it.
Last Saturday, on November 19th was the #worldtoiletday (#WTD). This day should inspire #people to act on the #global #sanitation crisis as we still have more than 2.5 billion people without proper sanitation. It began in 2001 in #Singapore and was invented by the World Toilet Organization. That's an #NGO located in Singapore who hosts the World Toilet Summit. Its vision is a world with a #clean, #safe toilet for everyone, everywhere at all times.
Follow them and us for a better resource use!
#safe #clean #ngo #singapore #sanitation #global #people #wtd #worldtoiletday
World Toilet Day | November 19
#WTD #WorldToiletDay #PublicToilets #PublicBathrooms #NowhereToGo #NoPlaceToGo #GottaGo #IC #InterstitialCystitis #PainfulBladderSyndrome #BladderHealth #HealthAndWellness #PublicHealth #Hygiene #HumanRights #PHLUSH #FLUSH #WorldToiletOrganization #Outhouse #SawdustToilet #CompostingToilet #Humanure #PublicHealthAndSafety #PublicSpace #UrbanDesign #GoodCities #WalkableCities #Pedestrian #Walkability #WomenInArchitecture #NSGov #HFXGov #Halifax #NovaScotia #CBC
#wtd #worldtoiletday #publictoilets #publicbathrooms #nowheretogo #noplacetogo #gottago #ic #interstitialcystitis #painfulbladdersyndrome #bladderhealth #healthandwellness #publichealth #hygiene #humanrights #phlush #flush #worldtoiletorganization #outhouse #sawdusttoilet #compostingtoilet #humanure #publichealthandsafety #publicspace #UrbanDesign #goodcities #walkablecities #pedestrian #walkability #womeninarchitecture #nsgov #hfxgov #Halifax #novascotia #cbc
November 19th is world toilet day - #WTD.
By the way, the United Nations declared it as an official #UN day on July 24th 2013 in a General Assembly. Please celebrate it together with your favorite #toilet tomorrow – or simply appreciate the gain of comfort it brings you.
#funfact #FunFactFriday #fff #Abereus #toilet #un #wtd
Hé cool, le #pointMédian est pris en compte dans les #mots_clics Mastodon !… Euh mais que jusqu'au premier caractère suivant ! #WTD !?
#musulman·e :
#wtd #musulman·e #un·deux #rienpuisuntoutseul· #deuxcôtesàcôtes· #apresun #under·_score #over_·score #pointmédian #mots_clics #·quandçacommence #· #ouàlafin· #avantuntiret·