Scammy Conde Nast renewal email for The New Yorker that just asks me to "confirm" my account but sneaks in the fact that by doing so I'm actually "renewing" and there's no price listed in the email.
How to build a (not) delightful time picker (this may or may not be inspired by real life events)
@spydergrrl I was looking for these yesterday too. WaPo had an article yesterday about some of the weird ones like an app to analyze your pee at home.
#CES #ConsumerElectronicsShow #wtfUX #internetofshit
#ces #consumerelectronicsshow #wtfux #internetofshit
Noooo! They pulled the plug on Dark Sky!
@heydon It could be either. I think On.
All 2-state controls potentially have the same problem. When you have more than that you can intuit which one is selected but when there is only 2...
You would probably not be surprised to hear that the :dumpsterfire: formally known as Twitter's new checkmarks are not accessible. They differ by color only which makes them hard to detect by users who are color blind.
#a11y #accessibility #uxfail #a11yfail #wtfux
You would probably not be surprised to hear that the :dumpsterfire: formally known as Twitter's new checkmarks are not accessible. They differ by color only which makes them hard to detect by users who are color blind.
#a11y #accessibility #uxfail #a11yfail #wtfux